Can the penguin knock superman out of the sky ?!

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by HeavenSent, Feb 17, 2013.

  1. HeavenSent New Player

    ....would he even want to or attempt it ?!!!

    Then why can level 1 gorrilas on the beach pull me, from whatever it is im doing ?....

    Shouldnt there be like , a "if the open adds, are 10 or more levels below you, shouldnt be able to be immune to thier aggro" ?!!

    Im a cr 90' maxed put toon..with 127 sp. i sholdnt have to deal with level 1 gorillas and brainiac bots whenim farming for bits or collections.

    Now south gotham , i can understand the adds there are understandsble tougher,

    Im sure it would be an easy thing to implement.
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  2. Gwalir Loyal Player

    I've always thought we should have Control Resistance, which would require an equal amount of Dominance in order to overcome. This way, we could make it so we gain Control Resistance as we level, and lower leveled adds wouldn't have enough Dom to effect us while higher ones would.

    This would also help with the fact anyone is able to juggle a T4 Tank in PvP, which to me always seemed weird.
  3. Cindra New Player

    Not sure how many topics I've read about this.. the recent one I believe was called "When do I started feeling SUPER", or something along those lines. I guess I have no opinion other than who cares? If they are lvl 1 mobs and you're a cr90 just kill them and go about your way?There's so much that I would rather see the devs focus on aside from control effects by mobs. Like seriously? It almost feels like some people just post to post.
    • Like x 3
  4. Evie Syrena New Player

    Agreed, Cindwa. It's an annoyance, but hardly a very big deal. There are more important things to fix.
  5. Tokkenn Active Player

    Agreed with Cindra and one other thing: that level 1 ape is still much closer to your power at CR89 than you at CR89 are to Superman. Unless, of course, you happen to have come kryptonite on hand. :)
  6. HeavenSent New Player

    unfortunately not all of us are forum database junkies....since i am not. i have not.seen this topic duscussed before. hence..i posted...forgive me for posting a topic.thread on a forum.
  7. Shadow Vlad New Player

    The only time this really bugs me is when Im unaware they are there because they haven't loaded in on my screen.
  8. Morich Well-Known Player

  9. Johnny_Prime New Player

    I love dropping into a large populace of low level dorks, and killing a whole field of them with one Tectonic Break or whipping a bus through the whole group... s'fun.