Can somebody help me catch back up I feel like I'm missing something

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by crimeware, Apr 9, 2014.

  1. crimeware New Player

    What is the "feature" of dlc-10
    dlc 1-power
    dlc 2-power
    dlc 3-power
    dlc 4-new weapon/pvp
    dlc 5-utility belt
    dlc 6- lairs and all things that come with that
    dlc 7-power
    dlc 8-power
    dlc 9-power
    dlc 10-?
    Now I would assume it would be weapon mastery but that is a mechanic they are just adding to the game and everyone will have access to it regardless if you purchase the dlc or not right?
  2. TKMcClone Steadfast Player

    Weapon Mastery is DLC10 owners and Legendary only...
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  3. crimeware New Player

    well that explains it thanks
  4. crimeware New Player

    That's not true so now I still want to know the feature
  5. TKMcClone Steadfast Player

    What's not true?
  6. Feydakeen New Player

    WM will be outside DLC10 now, as spytle said.
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  7. KeyuBaN New Player

    The whole reason why they developed WM in the first place, was because they wanted to give new players a chance to compete in game, because there are so many people who were "Exploiting" The current mechanics. I'd imagine they have more in store for the future.

    All in all, this is why WM is being applied outside of DLC10, because it was mostly developed to help new-comers get a comfortable feel for the game if they've never played it.
  8. TKMcClone Steadfast Player

  9. Poo New Player

    I dislike like this choice.

    This is now the 2nd worst dlc (after WoL).

    I don't see as many people purchasing the DLC. What a waste of time for everyone.
  10. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    Personally I like what they've decided to do with WM, making it available to everyone. The DLC itself is a bit shy on content but I intend on buying it since the developers have been putting up with nonstop BS about WM since it was announced, especially the whole "GU36 only exists so we have to buy dlc 10" crap people kept spouting.

    Maybe it's just me but I do feel like supporting them after all they've done for us between GU36 and DLC 10 wouldn't go unnoticed by the devs.
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  11. ErnieB Loyal Player

    I think SOT was worst, but only because like they admitted, it's timing was wrong.
  12. ErnieB Loyal Player

    I agree that removing WM from the DLC was a bad choice but only in the sense of content, I do believe everyone should have access to it, but after doing almost everything on the DLC (test) I find it bland, nothing really to hype any new tier or even missions, I do like it has more open world content and 2 new iconics since is always good to mix legends characters into PVE content, but besides that the duos aren't that great, the alert in average takes 40 to 50 minutes so chances are half the people won't want to do it so for it's length (and that's with full T6 vendor gear). I think they need to add something more, though I know as it is right now is what we'll get when it goes 'Live", but I do believe they should have had something else ready in case WM was to be to removed from the DLC as it has.
  13. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    I do feel like they should add something else in there now as to start with it was a tiny bit dry on the level of content. Maybe if they reduced the price though.

    Either way I like where the game is headed in terms of balance, content and entertainment though so I'm more than willing to hang around.
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  14. Fools Fire Loyal Player

    Everyone that buys it gets Last Laugh for free?
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