Can i have an aura?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Neidler123, Jan 23, 2017.

  1. Neidler123 Dedicated Player

    I think this is my single greatest pet peeve in this game and one of the fastest ways on my ignore list.

    I know it's not the worst thing in the world but day in and day out hour after hour the same questions.

    Can I have an aura
    Anyone have a aura they don't need
    Wil someone buy me an aura.

    It gets even worse when your at the hq broker and you start getting random whispers.

    Are you rich
    Do you have a spare aura
    Can I have an aura

    I mean in the name of goodness they dont even do anything!

    I think this goes hand in hand with the people looking for "help" for content they are not ready for yet. But that's a rant for another thread.

    So how about this devs will you please for the love of everything holy will you make a vendor ala the rare gear vendor where you can buy auras.

    I know it will cut into your precious profits but you don't even have to put the good ones on there just the generic lockbox ones.

    And here's a thought, you may say that with people able to buy them with marks then they Wong buy them off the mp
    But think of it this way
    Right now if someone wants an aura there is a paywall that may turn them off the game early and for good.

    But if it were possible to earn some of the auras free then people would have an achievable goal and a reason to run content and stick around. Plus with people invested and playing more they would have more and more time to be enticed into spending real money.
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  2. Caroline Dedicated Player

    Can I have an aura?
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  3. Proxystar #Perception

    can i has oora plz?
    • Like x 7
  4. Caroline Dedicated Player

    On a serious note though, I feel your pain. I've seen people who have been playing this game for years, have legendary and almost every aura in the game, asking for auras from newbies, just so they can make some money out of them.:rolleyes:
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  5. Caroline Dedicated Player

    Go away peasant, I asked first ! :mad:
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  6. Neidler123 Dedicated Player

    That's low
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  7. nawanda Loyal Player

    There's this one guy on the EU server who sends tells like this: "aura please :'( please :'(". I hope it's a kid, because if that's a grown up, then global civilisation has reached a new low.
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  8. Neidler123 Dedicated Player

    The tldr version

    Put in a basic aura vendor to increase player retention and decrease players begging
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  9. Neidler123 Dedicated Player

    Exactly! I mean what has the world come to.
    Can you imagine someones friends or loved one watching them play while they spend hours begging for auras
  10. Proxystar #Perception

    No, that's just your perception :oops:
    • Like x 14
  11. Kid Multiverse Loyal Player

    Lol, op I'm with you. Know what I do when I get those tells or see the shouts? I say yes. No matter what they're asking for. Then I send them on a protracted, phase shifting wild goose chase. I send them to Central City, CAO Dam in Metropolis, I turn off group invitations and tell them to invite me to group over and over. I reply "yes" to every single thing they ask for and give cryptic emoticons when they get confused. I tell them to wait for me and that I'll invite them after I finish Omega and Omega but we still need tanks and we're doing regular first. Give it a try, it'll brighten your day :)
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  12. light FX Steadfast Player

    Since the TCs have come out i get asked can i have an aura almost daily. They see me wearing an OG nimbus or corrupted aura so they ask. Like i have a stockpile of rare auras that ive been saving for years until that 1 no name person i dont know comes and asks for an aura :rolleyes:

    Its like walking up to someone on the street and asking if the have some toiler paper, yes that has happened to me. Like sure buddy hold on 1 sec i have a fresh roll of tp right here in my backet pocket. Just had a feeling some random person on the street would ask me for tp today :confused: Btw i dont respond to these aura people ingame. If ya send me a tell asking for an aura or $ and idk ya u get put on ignore.
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  13. Proxystar #Perception

    I was walking down the street to work this morning and someone pulled me up on the sidewalk and asked me for an aura.

    I walked off.

    very quickly....
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  14. Neidler123 Dedicated Player

    That's diabolical
    But diabolical
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  15. Neidler123 Dedicated Player

    I finally got one of the super duper auras
    Before that I always had the second tier ones and I would get asked here and there but now I cant even go to the broker half the time.

    Like who hangs out at the broker asking for hand outs.
    It's not just the auras either people want you to buy them collections or my favorite the guy who says they will trade you a mat for some obscure base item only to see there is one listed in the broker for an absurd amount.
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  16. PhantomBulletPT Well-Known Player

    I honestly spent a good 20 minutes talking with a dude about what the hell an "arua" was. I was either high or sleepy, I was not understanding what he was trying to ask me '-'

    I get these types of Tell a lot. Sometimes I like to screw with them and send them on a wild goose chase. One time I even told the guy he needed to complete all races to meet my "main" toon in Central City because you had to do them in order to enter the city. I said the character was stuck between a building lol. I don't know if he actually did them but if he did then I made him get a nice amount of feats :3

    All I'm trying to say is, just mess with them a bit xD I'm sure they'll eventually stop asking you ^^
  17. Shadowdragon Devoted Player

    Even more pathetic than in-game begging is when people lurk on streams and YouTube comments asking for auras. You'll be on a stream with regular viewers, then all of a sudden a name you've never seen before pops in asking for an aura or giveaways.

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  18. Menelaos Dedicated Player

    HA! I see what you did there!

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  19. FoolsFire Devoted Player

    Or a what?
  20. PhantomBulletPT Well-Known Player

    "I don't know, can you ?" Every teacher ever (bathroom question)
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