Camera sensitivity, deadzones on console

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by SingingCoyote, Mar 27, 2024.

  1. SingingCoyote Active Player

    I think it's long overdue that we get a sensitivity setting in dcuo on console. The camera is very slow (or very fast for others) compared to pc (why pc players always get crazy times in races) .

    I think players would appreciate being able to change their sensitivity/deadzones on controller.
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  2. TI99Kitty Dedicated Player

    I'd probably leave it alone, if it were an option, but I agree there should be an option, preferably a slider, so players can customize the sensitivity to suit their playstyle. I'm not sure what the deadzone issue is, though. Are you wanting to make the deadzone larger? Because I think if the deadzone was any smaller, it would look like I had stick drift.
  3. SingingCoyote Active Player

    I like my games to be very responsive and lower deadzones can help with the responsiveness, but higher deadzones can also help with stick drift if you have that issue.

    It's a setting in almost all the games I play and I don't see how it could problematic to implement these options. I'm sure it would't be so hard since it's a setting available on PC.
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