Buying seasonal currency..

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by KodyDerp, Sep 27, 2016.

  1. DezDarkly Active Player

    Not going to read all 16 pages, so excuse me if I bring up a point that has been made already. I view this as a way for us new xboxers to be able to catch up on feats from yester year. Instead of buying rediculous amounts of replay badges to run the events for 30 or more days straight.
  2. WhiteW0lf Devoted Player

    I don't see any of the examples you just gave as the same thing as selling pve/pvp currency. Even if they did add marks to the capsules, we've been getting them in lockboxes for years. Now if you mean large amounts of them that's a different story.

    But I don't think they would ever just sell marks.
  3. Sooner Well-Known Player

    Doesn't "screw" over the bargain once again...don't say "everyone", by using the word "everyone" you are stating that you speak for everyone in the game. You don't. Plus you can rack up base items pretty quick running alts through it. I can have, at least, 18 cats in 10 days if I want running alts through it. Not very "hard" to attain a lot of cats. That's 36 cats in 20 days. Just don't see your argument here. If players didn't over inflate prices on the broker this isn't even an issue. I don't feel "screwed" over if people want to flood the market to drive prices down.... gotta love competition in the market place. :) Once again it all boils down to greed. :eek:
  4. The Loveless Well-Known Player

    A bit off topic but I'm getting a little tired of this.

    If you put something on the broker and it doesn't sell, the price is too high. Otherwise, the price is fine. The price is not too high as long as someone is willing to pay it.

    Too high for most people? Probably. Are you selling stuff so that 'most people' can get it, or are you trying to make money?

    People aren't being as helpful as they think they are, severely underpricing things. If someone is selling the same item you are, he could simply buy your item at its 'charitable' price, mark it up to match his, and sell both his and yours at his price for profit.

    I might describe that as greedy.... I *might*.

    If you want to be charitible you should probably give items away, or conduct a private sale. If you are pricing things 'to move' you could probably do a lot better.

    On topic,
    I don't think the devs are ever going to outright sell Marks of Victory. Look at all the backlash they're getting just from this. I wouldn't be happy if they did because SP affects PVP, so outright buying feats would legitimately be Paying to Win at that point. The few SP you get from buying seasonal feats just doesn't add up to much, and the fact that they said this shows that they're aware.

    I wouldn't worry about it so much.
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  5. recoil Committed Player

    honestly broker is only ridiculous in that it is not "epic" or even "semi rare" items that are over priced. some of that stuff you could get by spending a few days farming specific alerts/raids/duos. stuff like survival base items are fair ground for profit since it's once a year.