Bug: Cars

Discussion in 'Testing Feedback' started by Drift Hazard, Jan 12, 2014.

  1. Drift Hazard Dedicated Player

    Minor bug, but the cars on the street would sometimes overlap each other, causing them to look like they have six wheels on each side.
  2. Walterlight New Player

    i noticed this more so in the new metro :p looked like the people of metro had won the collective lotto and purchased limos :p
  3. Scur Developer

    Thanks for reporting this. We'll take a look at this as soon as we can.

    Are you seeing this issue only in Downtown Metropolis Battlezone?
  4. Drift Hazard Dedicated Player

    Just in Downtown Metropolis Battlezone, yes.
  5. Scur Developer

  6. Scur Developer

    We have a fix for this that we are still testing.
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