***Broker Interface Upgrade***

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by thelight420, Dec 31, 2013.

  1. thelight420 New Player

    I think the broker should allow you to automatically place mulitple items at a specified undercut percentage.

    This is as oppose to having to look up each item you would like to sell for price reference.

    The error I can forsee in this is if someone were to accidentally place an item on the broker for an amount well below worth (like $1) the next person placing items on broker would be severely undercut.
    Anyone using this would have to be mindful. I would only use this for common items to avoid the above mentioned.

    A completely seperate additional broker system that would allow a seller to load an item for a certain amount of time so that buyers could place their bids, after a set amount of time the highest bid gets the item. It would be great for the rare items.
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  2. thelight420 New Player

    What does the DCUO community think of innovating how we sell our items in game?
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  3. chipzes Committed Player

    An actual auction system would be pretty cool :D
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  4. thelight420 New Player

    I think so to and so do quite a few people. We just need them to like the thread and voice what they want!
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  5. KRR New Player

    The broker exchange should have a minimum Sell/auction price set and a Max Cap to keep the benefits of profit at a reasonable and acceptable level. i.e. Style items for no less than 500 K should not have any under cutting of less than 100 K. Noobs may hate as well as "husslas" and there is always the squishy player population or "bidness man" that will rebuke the idea but as a whole community, I think they would go for it.
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  6. Couzintony New Player

    I like it...
    Nuff said... Lolz
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  7. TKMcClone Steadfast Player

    meh... I like the broker how it is.
    Ebay DCUO doesn't appeal to me. I have visions of sitting on the brokers waiting for an auction to get to the final second so I can place a bid.

    I think the brokers need to be the way it is - an uncomplicated means for transferring ingame items between players.
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  8. thelight420 New Player

    Bare in mind, I like the broker the way it is to. We need to keep this broker and an a seperate broker that allows both factions to auction off thing ebay style.
  9. TKMcClone Steadfast Player

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  10. Prodigy Progeny Dedicated Player

    I never understood why we can't sell groups of things. I wana be able to maybe buy/sell a whole collection set or a grab bag of items.
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  11. Poo New Player

    I would love to see some updates to the broker.
    1. A way to sort ALL items by "not collected" just like they did with collections. Add base items to that list as well somehow.
    2. The ability to click on an item in your inventory and have only that item listed on the broke for a price check.
    3. When you sell an item, have the email actually tell you what was sold.
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  12. Phil Miller Committed Player

    I like this idea.
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  13. thelight420 New Player

    This is why i started this thread and I agree, what about whole collections?
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  14. Magical Reset Committed Player

    Don't fix what is not broken.
  15. Poo New Player

    I'd say it is broken. I have hundreds of items spread across 3 mule toons that I could sell. But, the broker is so outdated and simple there is just no time in the day to bother with it much. I don't bother selling anything less than like 300k. That robs people of all the little things I could be selling for far cheaper prices.

    The broker needs a revamp to make finding items you want, or don't even know about, much easier. And it certainly doesn't help that a single style may have several different names. Bad system. Could be much much better by simply being able to only see those items that you do not have.

    When they changed the system for collections I was able to buy a ton of them that I otherwise would have no idea I needed or how to find.
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  16. thelight420 New Player

    We want to add another borker that functions like Ebay. We want to keep our current broker as well.
  17. Gunny New Player

    You run into a severe problem that there is no "standard price" that percentages can be based off of.

    This causes the problem you listed, but it can also cause the opposite.

    In addition to this, although undercutting is a viable tactic to sell items, but it will cause some problems when literally everyone and their mother would undercut people by as little as possible when selling because of how easy you would make it. After all, every dollar counts, right?
  18. Dene Devoted Player

    1 & 2 sound like great ideas :)

    FYI: 3. exists
  19. Poo New Player

    Does it?

    As as far as I know I just get an email that says I have sold an item for $xxx and that's it.
  20. Notangie New Player

    The broker is fine. They made the best fix by making collected collections not show. The same should be done for plans & styles.

    If it's too much 'work' to search the item before placing your wares in the broker, your auto-lowball idea should also have 15% broker fee for having the broker do your research for you; with the normal way having a 2% fee.