#Bring Back SM - Just another SM thread

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Yvtq8K3n, Nov 26, 2018.

  1. Yvtq8K3n Committed Player

    Both devs and players alike are familiar whit the new combat system, to my eyes SM is a must for next year plans.

    We all experience how terrible Death of Superman was. DD raid was a joke. The event was terrible because implied no challenge for elite players and no gear progression for new/casual players.

    However i have no right to complain of the past but instead try change the future. In the previous threads alot of elite players prefered not having elite in latest dlc, if that implied works on SM were happening. I Will speak in behalf of all elite players, the ones that queue for elite not because it gives you marks, but because they enjoy the adrenalin that hard content gives. Bring SM back before its to late.
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  2. Xibo Loyal Player

    Bring back Monthly Content. At least we had SM along.
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  3. Protecktor MKV Committed Player

    Would also like to see return of survival mode or at least a way to get the cool base items that only dropped in them.
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  4. nawanda Loyal Player

    Won’t happen. They have no insight whatsoever into the way top end CR/SP players approach the game. They just don’t get it. I’ve given up making suggestions.. The 650 Titan Cred of new, crappy feats one week before the new DLC came out was the final straw. The “What’s wrong with making the new shinies even more awesome by attaching feats to them” answer we got was an insult to the intelligence of every player who grinded the DLC every day for three months.

    You won’t get SM back because they’re focused on “making Elite raids awesome” instead. HiveE was so “awesome” we saw four versions of it, the last of which was practically unbeatable.
  5. BRITTENY Dedicated Player

    No thanks. I don't want to see the same SM we've had for the past 4 years. Same locations, same bosses, no thank you. If the devs are going to spend time working on something other than episode content I'd rather see something like what WoW has with Mythic Dungeons. That system would be amazing with this game and all the alerts we have. Putting together a group of 4 rather than 8 has always been easier which would allow casual and hardcore groups run. And that would be something that would be super fun to compete against other groups with not only levels but with times. I'd rather spend 30+ min in an alert rather than an hour + on just adds. There are so many things that could be done with the set up that M+ offers. If I could have anything added, that would be my wish.
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  6. Darth Piper Loyal Player

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  7. Trexlight Devoted Player

    Either this or nothing. This is how SM should have been at inception and is the only form that should be allowed going forward. Elite+ needs to be the new SM.
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  8. Hollow Gohan Well-Known Player

    If it ever does, something needs to be done about the shield supercharge spam that is the meta in this game now.
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  9. Ully Committed Player

    I think its time the Devs sit down and reevaluate their "focus" on elite content, because as it currently stands, elite content is nothing more than a regular version raid but with the inclusion of a death rally, they are beyond trivial and are not worthy of the "elite" title in my opinion. A while back, when the topic of SM was brought up, the Devs said that they're focus was on improving the elite experience, and while I appreciate their effort, I think they have failed. Since their statements regarding their "focus" on elite, the elite affinity mods have not been revamped or updated, elite content has been dumbed down and there have been no significant improvements in developing novel mechanics. Frankly, nowadays, the skill required to complete elite content is not very high, so naturally, higher calibre players find it either boring or lose interest.

    Since Earth 3 DLC, we've had one semi-challenging elite raid and that was Hive Elite from the Teen Titans DLC but that was nerfed to the ground. I think we need a similar game mode to SM or something completely different where the best players can test their skills. Personally, what made SM, ToTD E and DWF E exciting to me, was the trial and error process. Its a type of grind that requires complete focus and skill.

    I'd love to see them bring back a revamped Survival Mode with fresh maps and there are plenty of those available. I know this may not be a popular opinion among some SM veterans, but if the devs can add "SM" currency and develop exclusive cosmetic items only, perhaps that could bring some revenue to offset some of the overhead required to develop this game mode. At this point in the game, I just want SM back or something similar, because the elite raids have failed in their purpose of being "elite".
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  10. Jokers Falcon Level 30

    Just gimme SM man

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  11. Shark Dental Devoted Player

    So basically elite alerts? Or like elite waves or something? I can get behind either. I liked the elite alerts a lot and agree that 4 people is much easier to locate than 8.
  12. Shark Dental Devoted Player

    Wasn't Hive Elite buffed rather than nerfed?
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  13. Schimaera Devoted Player

    Pretty much buffed. When it was released, we just went to the first toxic gas phase and just murdered Terra to death.
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  14. Ully Committed Player

    It went through a series of adjustments after numerous complaints, specifically with the Death Stroke fight.
  15. Proxystar #Perception

    I think you'll find the trouble is the money made from monetizing elite content within regular DLC windows outweighs any money they might pull in from SM content.

    You'll have to develop a business model that not only monetizes SM to a sufficient level but also doesn't compromise the revenue they're clearly gaining from regular DLCs.

    i.e. if you take resources away from regular content it'd have to be substantially financially viable.

    The developers will be hesitant to do it because they've said interest in SM has generally been quite low and they're the ones with the data.

    I mean let's face it when they don't even have the resources to fix pvp because it's not monetized enough why would we generally think they should be doing SM.

    I'd rather they divert resources to pvp instead of SM.
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  16. Shark Dental Devoted Player

    You should be a politician, lol.

    (Or maybe you are. Ah, the beauty of anonymity. I could be Brad Pitt or Donald Trump, and you'd never know it.)
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  17. Proxystar #Perception

    Pretty sure you are Donald Trump :p
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  18. Ully Committed Player

    Let's not derail the thread. But I do want to say, the original Death Stroke fight (pre nerf) was pretty challenging, it had a lot of moving parts and everyone needed to be on point. You couldn't just Qwa-bomb your way out of there ;).
  19. Shark Dental Devoted Player

    Guys, can you believe that failing #ProxystarFakeNews tries to say I'm #TheRealDonaldJTrump?

    I mean, seriously, does anyone even listen to this guy;s crazy consipriacy theoretics anymore? Proxystar and FatalStar ARE OBVIOUSLY COLLUDING WITH THE evil BIN LADEN DEMOCRATS and should be locked up with crazy Pelosi ASAP. Going to be changes in DCUO forums soon!!! Heard from trustworthy source that these BAD GUYS are the ones responsible for GU47, and should be punished IMMEDiateLY.
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  20. Ully Committed Player

    I think if they really wanted to, they could develop and monetise a SM or similar game mode. However, my main point is this, elite raids are not elite and there's a void, in regards to difficult content. If elite continues to be this super casual game mode, then just take away the "elite" title, because there's really nothing elite or difficult about them.
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