Brainstorming: New member perk to replace unlimited cash

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Helderman, Mar 18, 2018.

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  1. Karas2016 Dedicated Player

    Well I apologize.
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  2. velvetsanity Loyal Player

    That is a valid point. And I’m pretty sure a lot of premium players *do* pay more than that just to get access to the DLC. How many spend beyond that, though? I’m sure some do, but what percentage? (Obviously we’ll never know, since the devs aren’t going to release numbers, as that would just be throwing fuel on the fires of any number of forum arguments).

    And I mostly wanted to point out that many aspects of your arguments are coming across to me as saying “the only real difference between premium and subscribers is the cash cap”.
  3. Karas2016 Dedicated Player

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  4. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    Just like many legendary subscribers (including myself) don't just pay only $15 a month. Over the 6 and a half years I played this game I probably dumped at least a few thousand into it. Where's my extra perks for going above and beyond?

    Besides if a premium player is spending more then a legendary player, nothing is stopping them from subbing besides pure stubbornness.
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  5. Multiverse 15000 Post Club


    You assume Premium spend more then Legendary???

    Legendary can also buy everything on the MP.

    Heck.... Legendary can buy MORE item on the MP then Premium.

    For example Legendary can have MORE characters then Premium.

    That means being able to buy MORE Armories....MORE bases...... MORE LexCorps starter pack.... etc.

    At the end of the day.... it all comes down to Premium players who want to have the same benefits as Legendary players.....
    but who don't want to pay $$$ monthly to support the game like Legendary players do.

    The solution is very simple.

    If you want to have the same perks as Legendary players.....
    pay $$$ every month for your subscription same as any Legendary players.
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  6. Jack T. Chance Devoted Player

    There is one, and ONLY one, new Perk I would accept as a replacement for losing Unlimited Cash as an exclusive feature for Members: Totally unrestricted access to ALL of the game's styles, across my entire account, Cross Faction, everything. ALL of my characters could use ALL Styles in the game whenever they wanted, even during Character Creation!

    Until that's done, keep Unlimited Cash exclusive to Members. :p
  7. Shark Dental Devoted Player

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  8. xXHeadlinerXx Dedicated Player

    Would premiums prefer no cash cap but have the broker be a member-only perk?
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  9. Balistical Ice Loyal Player

    Very interesting. Also assuming that they couldnt trade money because of the trade limit on premiums. I see it as a win win.
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  10. Red Batern Well-Known Player

    I don't see why removing the cash cap for premium players is even considered to be a negative in anyway shape or form. Personally, I don't even really care. My decision to subscribed for a few months over the summer has ZERO to do with the cash cap.
  11. Wiccan026 Loyal Player

    The logic that used to happen back in the "good ol' days" was those who wanted the cash cap raised for premiums insisted that premiums spent more money than legendary. I was actually surprised when it was mentioned in this thread earlier by someone (honestly can't remember who) because I haven't heard such a silly line in forever.

    I still stand firm in the belief that legendary members spend more money than premium members. I have never been a believer though that premium members only pay or make one purchase (to hit the $5 mark) and than stop. I do think it happens but I'm not going to waste time or energy trying to figure out something that I am never going to be able to truly know.
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  12. Red Batern Well-Known Player

    The cash cap for premium players has lost some of its sting anyway because of soder stacking now. I just compile stocks of soders now to sell later. It's like having access to my own escrow account.

    Of course having such a small cap is going to effect end game premiums, especially if they want to buy higher end items, but they can trade anyway, so they'll eventually get what they want.

    The cash cap just seems like a non-issue imo. Makes it seem as if DB isn't really paying attention or doesn't research their own gaming market very well.
  13. Proxystar #Perception

    more nonsense.

    I don't have an invisible high horse I'm on, I have one that is quite visible, it's called a membership.

    I pay for membership, I get unlimited cash as a result. You don't pay for membership you don't get unlimited cash as a result.

    Does that hurt you? Quite clearly it does, Want to know how to stop the pain? Subscribe buddy ;)
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  14. Dene Devoted Player

    I asked for your input on what you feel the model should be and you came up with this? ok.. no extra perks for legendary but you want higher perks for premium? That is totally fair to you? You dismiss the $15.00 (or whatever ppl pay) for legendary in your equation

    Your thinking is you want it to be like an airline.. the more we spend the more valued customer we become ? Then fight for that. Come up with an idea like that, that will appeal to the Devs.

    You want my monthly $15.00 to be worth less and your 1 off purchase of $5.00 to be worth more ? and YES I am aware that some premium spend more - but they GET STUFF for that money.. it's not a charity donation.

    Just because you spent $1000.00 instead of $5.00 you think that should get you special treatment? You got $1000.00 worth of stuff, again, you are acting like premiums donate the money. You want frequent buyer/big spender perks?? Then fight for those but do not attack legendary subs because you are unhappy with the choice you made to be premium.. you *chose* that

    All I am saying is that if you think Premium deserve more than you need to make the extra monthly sub people pay to still be worth something too
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  15. Karas2016 Dedicated Player

    Ok but there are 2 supporting models correct? And legendaries get perks for what it is, I can probably see your point if premiums got perks but demanded more, but ever perk that was given to premiums has been also given to free 2 play, so that tells you right there daybreak has the model available, but shows no awareness of their contribution torwards supporting the game, I hear so many legendary members bash premiums but lets get rid of free 2 play and premiums since they dont support the game.
  16. Dene Devoted Player

    Noone knows.. It is my belief that the devs chose this system, and haven't changed it, because they prob see the figures and see what premiums spend vs what legendary spend, so made a business decision not to add/change certain perks
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  17. Dene Devoted Player

    Noone has said that, in this thread..
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  18. Karas2016 Dedicated Player

    You clearly did not read my last reply lol.
  19. Karas2016 Dedicated Player

    Glad you ignore the points I brought up, all is said and done.
  20. Dene Devoted Player

    Some do seem to have a sense of entitlement and see subscribers as some kind of plebs or silly for paying it - they think we are silly for paying for the perks but, in the same post, want similar perks

    Whatever the reason people choose premium that is their choice... Might be financial.. or because of lifestyle choices etc (maybe they only play a couple of months a year over summer etc) - but the point is they choose to do that and need to deal with the limitations of that
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