Bow flurry shot broken?

Discussion in 'Old Arkham (Bug Archive)' started by JohnTitorPlanck, Jun 7, 2014.

  1. JohnTitorPlanck New Player

    I was testing out the bow weapon mastery and i noticed that once i get magnum round mastery, that i can only use tap range x3 hold range x1. Tap 4x hold range x1 doesn't work anymore. Is that intentional?
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  2. EPHEMERAL titan New Player

    starting to see cracks and mold in all that WM goodness, are we?
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  3. RoyalServant New Player

    WM is great but there are certain combos that seem to be bugged.

    In addition to the bow 4 tap into flurry, I can confirm that dual pistols can no longer perform sweep shot into magnum round.

    All missing combos must be brought to light so they maybe addressed.

    Pls Fix
  4. Ch3wtobacco New Player

    ive noticed that when I use autofire with Dual Pistols sometimes I cant STOP fireing until the 20 tick limit runs out...cant block. roll or move until it ends... sooo much fun being attacked by a boss and not being able to block it....
  5. Ch3wtobacco New Player

    went out hunting OMACs at knightsdome last night for R&D drops using autofire stuck in autofire mode a total of 10 times in half an hour...looks like WM strikes again....

  6. RoyalServant New Player

    Are these issues even being considered? Would be nice to at least know if they're being looked into.

    Anyway, I found another issue with Bow.

    Explosive shot > Full auto: You can time your might attack perfectly and you last tick of precision damage will often times never register.

    This causes a big drop in damage for such a long animation. Instant WM attacks that land always do 100% of their damage.