Block Breaking and Interrupts Question

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by Highplains Sailor, Aug 5, 2020.

  1. Highplains Sailor Well-Known Player

    I've read about how Block, Block Breaking and Interrupts work, that if you get countered by something you're vulnerable to you are knocked down.

    My question is, how do you use that knowledge effectively? My Ice guy is doing dailies in AOJ and Gotham Gang War and by the time I see the big red fist coming, I'm down. I know that if I hit a mob at a distance and they lunge at me, Blocking will often knock them down.
    Sometimes I see a mob doing a lot of punches and I think "okay, I should Block because I think a big hit is coming," and we both end up in Block Stance, looking at each other.

    So do you just engage a mob, Block when you think you need to and hope you stay on your feet? I can't usually seem to be able to tell when a mob is doing a BB or and Interrupt. I think the attack type icon is shown below the mobs health-bar, but I am usually busy watching the mob(s). And, maybe I'm too old-fashioned, but I kinda see that as a cheat. Or, did the devs put that in because they know many times you really can't tell what kind of attack is being used?

    I'm on a PC. Any one have a specific strategy they use, or know how to tell what a given mob is doing that I am missing? Thanks very much.
  2. Qwantum Abyss Loyal Player

    Unless im misreading in my sleep deprived state your asking how the mechanic works? Its not a guess, its not strategy, its not what we think is best. Its literally rock paper scissors.
    1) if enemy is blocking u use ranged atk to break them
    2) if enemy is lunging u, u block to break them
    3) if enemy is ranging u, u lunge them to break them

    No guess work, u use the counter mechanic OR just fight through it.