Blame it on the Electric healer!

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by P1nk13 P13, Apr 30, 2013.

  1. Gr33dyMoney New Player

    idk about that, the t5 raids seem to be in doors and close together so im going to say sorcery healing... and well... doesnt matter about elec or nature, i just wish elec healers would have a 40% and below or even 45% and below.... because at 35% and below my heal looks like my power bar
  2. Zeikial Committed Player

    Safety nets only work when your left with some health, not when your getting smacked for 12,000 plus that net is not going to work as well you think it is
  3. Gr33dyMoney New Player

  4. blklightning New Player

    Hehehe... healer story: I was healing Gates for a group that had a few n00bish trollers. Overall, the team was OP, so it wasn't really an issue. I had full power and the team was staying alive well. Top DPS throws a tiny tantrum about more power. I jumped in before the controller could respond and I said "I have plenty of power, so use your weapon combos".

    DPS forget that they're last in line for power. We've become so OP that "burn through it" is the way to play. The new content is expected to change that. Tanks and healers are the ones to be powered and DPS will have to learn how to regen. For quite some time, it won't be possible to "burn" through the content. Yay!!!
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  5. blklightning New Player

    I still run into groups refusing to have 2 electric healers. I have the most fun in a dual setup. I recently joined a group who'd been spending 120min in BD and couldn't get past Tala. Turns out there were two elec healers now and they started to fuss. I said that there was no need to worry. We finally got a team all put together and finished Tala in one try.

    Elec healing definitely FTW!
  6. Fighter Well-Known Player

  7. Toxiic Committed Player

    I hate when people say "Wow the electric healer didn't even do anything. We didn't even need him" But what they don't realize is that no one died because of me (us) and my ELECTRIC healing. All we need is a good HoT (electrogenisis is decent but hass too long of a cool down) so we can at least "help" with the healing according to some people.
  8. P1nk13 P13 New Player

    Yeah EG needs to be buffed
  9. Epic Wins New Player

    As a tank I don't like "emergency heals" but then again I might change my mind when T5 adds are constantly dropping my health below 35% lol.
  10. Florida Boii Well-Known Player

    Im sorry but I highly disagreee with Sorcery playing a bigger factor than Electric healing just from that raid alone. Sorcery's C.O.P isn't going to be as effective as you think, because the only person getting heals from it is going to be the tank (unless you get pulled in). You're going wasting power by recasting that squishy watcher every time it dies. Soul well is definitely useless, there's only 1 add that spawns every 30sec(?) on the boss fights. Even the trash mobs in came in groups of 2-4. So yeah, no adds = no heals. With all those stuns, interrupts, and juggles good luck gettting off your I.O.R heal. So basicly you're just left with spamming Rejuvenate and casting Boon of Souls when available. Like I said before I like healing with both Sorcery & Electric players, I just feel that Electric healing is just going to be more effective than Sorcery. Maybe a more smart/ experience Sorcery Healer will put Shared Fate in their loadout for little bit more group/ burst healing.
  11. Romeo777 New Player

    Electric Healers are just as good as the other healing power sets. its just that people are so caught up in trying to reach the top of the score board that they dont notice all the work the players are putting in. Powers are nothing if you dont know how to use them correctly, (thats a reason why i enjoy this game cause you really do feel unique) so if your team keeps dying and you know you're doing you part to keep the fight going, dont let those negative comments bother you. its just a bunch of jerks who cant accept the fact that THEY'RE the ones who can't play as a team player.
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  12. T20thoughts New Player

    This. To me it feels like the best combination... As a nature healer I'm mainly hitting Savage Growth clipped with Metabolism to keep people topped off, and those two work together perfectly for that. Of course, I handle Cross Pollination as an "oh dear people are getting damaged more now" button, Blossom as an "oh crap someone's about to die" button and Regeneration as a panic button... All of those are good, but the Electric insurance policy covers the bottom end so well, the two powersets complement each other perfectly.
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  13. T20thoughts New Player

    It's not quite as simple as that, I think. There are times to regen and there are times to burn, theoretically.

    While MOSTLY the top priority is the tank and healer (and remember, my main is a healer, so I'm a full supporter of this mindset), I suspect that the most successful raids will be the ones where people know when it's safe/smart for trollers to pump power into the DPS so they can burn stuff as fast as possible.

    Hopefully it's going to be a fun balancing act for the troller, between debuffing/CCing and saving power for the healers and tank, emergency "help keep everyone alive" mode and "shoot the DPS full of power so they can kill stuff fast" mode.
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