Bizarro Solo Scientist Feat

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by thenewkidd, Jan 15, 2014.

  1. thenewkidd New Player

    Any tips on how to do this... I ignore the scientists and they kill me...

    Actually it's pretty much the second room (where you get your first loot)... I can do the Superman Clone but that next room... any tips on how to do that room?
  2. tukuan Devoted Player

    Second room use your soder early, save the barrel as long as possible, hopefully then your soder should have recharged. Try to block the guard when he lunges to stun him and eventually the scientists will start to leave the room. Once they do you can go to town.

    The third room was the hardest for me til I started going up into the rafters and fight the mech up there.
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  3. ShadowCyborg92 Loyal Player

    If u youtube Test Subject Solo DCUO, there is a video there to show u what to do
  4. Radium Devoted Player

    Stay in the rafters in the second and third rooms, eventually the scientists leave in the second room.
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  5. thenewkidd New Player

    Thanks all.. I guess this is just a "take practice" type feat... I keep killing a scientist by accident :(
  6. Shadowdragon Devoted Player

    If you get surrounded in that second room (the one with the shield boss), it's safe to use loadout #2 a few times. It will knock back and not kill them. Use the environment as well. When you enter the room, there's the raised platform to the left with a short fence. That can be used as an obstacle to buy time.
  7. The-Incendiary New Player

    The very first room you start in, don't let the failed clone kill any of the scientist or you won't get the feat
  8. DEMONIZER1 Loyal Player

    We have a winner!

    That's how its done...

  9. LastSonOfEarth Committed Player

    Not sure why anyone uses the rafters when u can actually just lunge your way thru the whole feat. Thanks brawling ;)