Beware my power, Green Lantern's Light! Or Lex's power?

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by XtreemeKill, Aug 14, 2013.

  1. XtreemeKill Well-Known Player

    I have a burning question!
    If superheroes in this game get the power of Light that belongs to all the Lantern Corps, did they get the power because the ring chose them? Or did they get the power from an Exobyte and made their own ring? :DDDDDDDD
  2. Prodigy_Deity New Player

    Haha I had the same thought go through my mind. The game is based of the exobytes but the lanterns are a huge corp. I think that like gadget they were chosen thou I feel the HL toons are actually weaker then regular lanterns.
  3. RageOfHeaven1990 New Player

    That is because the lantern corps recruited you. You technically are not a full fledged lantern but a recruit like the ones you face in game. That was the idea behind the power trees and the reason you have certain constructs but cannot make your own. Your ring is essentially pre-loaded with specific constructs.
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  4. Red Burst New Player

    I'm no expert, but according to Lantern lore, rings are capable of making copies in times of great need. They could write it off like that when the dlc drops. Last time I checked, Rage and Hope are lacking members. Makes sense if there's a war going on lol
  5. Ivy Bird Committed Player

    The power of the exobytes gives you the ability to withstand falls from a great heights, regenerate damage, mastery of weapons, and some form of super movement (acro, flight, SS). The more advanced abilities (ie the powersets themselves) depend on your specific exobytes within you.
    The HL users are all deputies of the Green or Sinestro Corps, the rings they recieve have only a small preset selection of constructs (the guardians wouldn't trust that many extra rings out there and Sinestro hates humans) which means the bearers wouldn't need to use their own inbuilt powers (except for the generic level ones). This also explains why HL users can have other movements beside flight.

    That's the background fluff as far as I havebeen able to work out anyway ;)
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  6. XtreemeKill Well-Known Player

    Thanks all!!!