Best PVP Power

Discussion in 'Battle of the Legends (PvP)' started by LIEUTENANT MARVEL, Oct 25, 2016.

  1. LIEUTENANT MARVEL Well-Known Player


    I have trouble getting PVP feats since I can barely win. What is the best PVP power for casual gamers? Is it Light?

  2. KodyDerp Dedicated Player

    For damage hardlight grasping hand > fan spam | prec + power - wouldn't recommend for casuals though even though it's easy wins you still need to know what you're doing somewhat.

    For a casual, I recommend you go either fire or atomic tank. Fire tanking will give you great heals if you are spec'd properly and are able to regen power with your weapons. Atomic tanking is great also. For PvP you can spec > Prec > Dom > Power > Resto.

    Tips to Cheesing:
    • For whichever stat you're lacking in, if you really want thoughs wins - pop an omega and a buff soda before your matches, assuming you haven't hit certain stat caps.
    • Proton remedy's heals last the whole duration of the cooldown.
    • Once your aura is up continue fighting normally, don't keep spamming atomic combos and don't use the ranged combos.
    • Move away from your target by pointing your camera away or actually moving before putting your aura up, that way you can't get countered unless they move in your direction.
    • If you can't do the above, only put your aura up after you get a counter (Blue immunity) so that you cannot be countered/knocked out of your animation.
    • Make sure you're using the shortcuts to put your aura up.
    • Also, throw your 35% finisher in your loadouts.
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  3. LIEUTENANT MARVEL Well-Known Player

    OMG. My old fire tank was on the right path all along. LOL. :D
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  4. loupblanc Dedicated Player

    This is common strategy? Talk about being desperate.
  5. KodyDerp Dedicated Player

    Couldn't tell you if it's common or not, can definitely tell you it's cheesy (hence the "tips to cheesing" bit. BUT it does work and can make certain builds overpowered.
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  6. DulcesS Well-Known Player

    How about playing the power you enyoy, improving your pvp skills and actually earn those feat points? Instead of just cheesing them.
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  7. NoPhilosophy Committed Player

    Fight fire with fire. All they're gonna be learning is how to get cheesed on.

    You can lunge and interrupt all you want, but two ire tanks/dps with rifles isn't a fair and balanced leveling experience. That fire duo knows exactly what they're doing, so they need to be put in their place by a HL spam and Sorc or nature bug duo or more fire lol.
  8. Black Prime OG Devoted Player

  9. ParsEUPS Active Player

    This idea is lost on most, I'll keep fighting the good fight though atleast #IconicsFotm.
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  10. GhostsAndMagic Dedicated Player

    Anything with a 35% finisher
  11. DulcesS Well-Known Player

    That's a personal choice. I'd rather lose than switching power to "stay good". All this FOTM has brought us so many problems (pve and pvp). Players cheesing promote this.
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  12. Saint Nutella Loyal Player

    I believe all powers have the potential to be great inews PvP however, the most damaging powers would be atomic, celestial and hard light. Sorcery healers and fire tanks are also pretty OP.
  13. STORMBORN New Player

    Well this is the main problem in game right now!
    Everyone wanna be OP POWER IN PVP........................
    First of all i need to ask you what feats are you farming? Cuz if you farming arenas on legends that are group feats so you find groups for farming....

    Wait... WHAT? most damaging power atomic? HAHAHAHAHHA you mean most healing in dps role AND LOWEST DMG? Celestial and hard light are the most op damaging powers yeah... sorc heal and fire tanks op too, but atomic most damaging, no way! atomic have only heal and finisher (can be interupted EASY) so if atomic dps don't have heal in loadout it's one of the worst dps powers in pvp

    *Fix celestial combos
    *Fix hard light
    *Fox flame cascade (Fire)
    *Fix healers
    *Fix healing tanks
  14. NewGodAsura Well-Known Player

    That doesn't exist in dc sadly
  15. JasonIsley Devoted Player

    Powers that make me cry when I see them in arenas:
    Fire DPS
    Light DPS (actually don't see many of these anymore)
    Nature Healers (IMO the best Healer IF there's a Controller in the group)
    Sorcery Healers (seriously OP, a good Sorcery Healer can pretty much make the entire team immortal)
    Celestial Cheater... *cough* I mean Healers
  16. loupblanc Dedicated Player

    Very surprised there is no mention of Mental DPS.
  17. Sage-Rapha Steadfast Player

    That's funny. I play a Celestial healer in scrimmages and people complain cause the burst doesn't move health bars enough even with a thick resto build. Even with using a bugged glyph build it's barely enough to get a pass. And it's way too power hungry on top of that.
    And the damage is.. high but splitting easily reduces the impact of the damage in 4/5's. Don't let the damage numbers fool you.
    Just because there is high damage doesn't necessarily mean the damage is killing the team. Of course I'm only talking in larger matches.
    In small matches Celestial was always top dog. That's just how the power works.

    Do not forget that the CC Resistance during combos is active in PvP mode. Stop trying to CC them. Counter them. Keep them on their butts.

    I find that Nature Healers are absolutely the strongest healers but need bug form to be strong. Human form healing is a monstrous abomination of terrible mixed with disgustingly distasteful power costs.
    Sorcery is a distant second even win Grand summoning and that Grand Watcher giving out bursts of power to everything.

    Ice Fire Atomic Munitions and Light DPS are very strong in all PvP fights.
    The rest are niche at best.

    Tanks: broken in a bad way.
    Fire is niche despite having such thick healing.
    And all tanks are bugged with immunity to debuffs despite there being no cleanse active.
    Earth and Atomic tanks are the way to go if you want to tank and do actual good to your team.

    Controllers: Light or Mental due to panic.

    I could be wrong but this is what I've seen within the week of me returning to the game. (Darn you Soulmass)
  18. Apexilon Level 30

    This :)