Best might based DPS

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by supernova6423, Jan 4, 2014.

  1. TK PUSHA Dedicated Player

    FOTM in full effect fo sho.
  2. supernova6423 New Player

    When is it coming out?
  3. Rhinosus13 Loyal Player

    Actually it isn't example: Casting Smite and corrupting it first Hit is might followed by 2-3 ticks of White damage (precision), do the same with Haunt first hit is might followed by 2-3 ticks of yellow damage (might), Admonish first hit is might, tap melee sets up a precision (white damage) DOT, hold range activates a final precision bang and a HOT, Blight does initial might damage, tap melee sets up a might (yellow damage) DOT, hold range activates a final precision bang and stops the DOT it continues like this down the tree for the most part, I've basically modded 50-50 split between the two with my loadout being: Haunt, Blight, Defile, Cursed Idol, Benediction, Anoint, I cast, tap melee, attack with weapon because by the time I get to the hold range part I've already surpassed the damage it would of done and reduced the chance of me getting knocked down trying to combo and I'm still at the top of the scoreboard
  4. Ropers New Player

    Celestial can be good at being all might based i have seen some beast might based
    Celestial dps but all come down to knowing your load-out .
  5. Rhinosus13 Loyal Player

    exactly, I think its only a 60%-40% split between precision and might
  6. Anti Bezz New Player

    You have to be the most completely blind person in all of dcuo. Celestial isn't might based. In no other alternate dimension will celestial will ever be might based. Might then precision. For ALL trees blessed or cursed comboing will be precision FACT /thread
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  7. Rhinosus13 Loyal Player

    I never said it was Might based I was showing where might falls into Celestial and where might damaged is applied in the trees, I was trying to explain that yes all the combos END with precision but the MIDDLE combo is different depending on what tree you go down, Initial hit is might, next depending on what tree is either might or precision and last is precision
  8. Gunny New Player

    Will be honest with you. Mental is the best might DPS for current content and it has been for awhile. It is probably better than celestial, and better than all but a very few freak HL players.

    I suggest you mess with the abilities by yourself and create a loadout. Your choice of weapon is a very large factor with mental as well. Experiment enough, you may find mentals real potential ;)
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  9. shaun10656 New Player

    definitely rage
  10. Clutch Committed Player

  11. Bobburt Committed Player

    Currently, I'd say Gadgets/Nature>Mental for might powersets.

    I almost want to say Nature>Gadgets>Mental. After the update, Nature is so powerful.
  12. Anti Bezz New Player

    When you combo int he middle of the combo you don't do any extra attack.... So sad community now.
  13. ACW37162 Loyal Player


    The combo version of any power is precision based.

    If you cast divine light (blessed tree) and combo into Plaugue (cursed tree) the damage done by divine might is might based and by plague is precision based.

    If you cast plague (cursed tree) combed into divine light - plague is might based and divine light is precision based it works this way for each celestial combo.
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  14. ACW37162 Loyal Player

    Mental is extremely strong, it is not weak or light at all. Of you can't compete with mental your missing something somewhere.
  15. ACW37162 Loyal Player

    Or your the turd pissing all over his dots when he's been nature for three years, just sayin two sides same coin
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  16. Nightw4lker New Player

    Gadgets is the best imo
  17. Killuminati New Player

    LOL @ACW true bro, just trying to bring up a legit point about Nature users **** blocking each other.
  18. LighTning Emperor Well-Known Player

    lol notice how you didnt have electricity in your good might based powers you are saying that it sucks by leaving it out lol i hope dc sees this so they know im not the only one who thinks electricity needs a revamp/fix or whatever.
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  19. supernova6423 New Player

    On what day is the Rage power coming out?