Best DPS?

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by Looting, Aug 25, 2016.

  1. Delta796th Loyal Player

    No I do get it and certain powers are definitely easier to do this (HL Celestial & Atomic)
    My point is still very much valid, when you switch to support re you instantly take max damage down from 60% to 10%.

    Only if you are constantly keeping up a 50% modifier you are gimped by lack of pure stats.
    At probably the most optimal part of your rotation you are at least 20% down compared to what a pure DPS is. Now add in the fact you are either healing people, keeping people powered or tanking bosses and adds that's likely another 10 -15% of a damage loss just doing your role.

    So in a perfect run with that hybrid doing perfect rotations 100% of the time you are 35% or close (again perfect world). I'm fine with battle this or that role IF you can run it, but numbers are numbers man....
    In real life pug applications this isn't happening and you know that.

    As long as 1+1 = 2 the math still works and that says at maximum capacity vs a DPS of exact same skill you are not ever going to beat them. In fact the only people YOU can beat are less than 2/3 the skill level you are.
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  2. HymnOfMercy Dedicated Player

    No need to iterate that lol.
    We both know the data says it... at least I sees it that way.

    My sentiment is that you can afford to be aggressive and pack more of a punch other than the passive way of battle specs.
    The support damage pass will be closing that gap though.
    The only role capable of having a modifier up equivalent to a DPS is a Nature Gorilla Form Battle healer. Too bad they're slow.

    It doesn't happen all the time in pugs. I do have enough success in pugs with it though.

    When Earth and Sorc get their AM damage unlocked in off role, they are gonna be truly fotm
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  3. Chaos Evolution Devoted Player

    atomic gadgets
  4. Savior Prime Dedicated Player

    Ice DPS gives you the most consistant damage. I'm not a scorecard chaser, but I am always on top. Just have to know how to use it. But be warned, it's alittle boring.
  5. Elite DamageX Well-Known Player

    So true
    Have done more damage then Dps many times on my Atomic's just funny to see
    Atomic Dps is also beast if used right
  6. Wallachia Devoted Player

    Delta796 does have a point (both dies do, actually).

    Battle Support roles CAN'T and WON'T hit as hard as DPS, it's mathematically impossible. They do hit harder than pure supports, that's undeniable. However, the illusion that they can hit as hard as pure DPS players only comes because the huge majority of DPS players simply don't know what they are doing.

    Put the best battle tank in line with the best DPS and you will notice the difference in total damage will be crushing.
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  7. Delta796th Loyal Player

    Actually Ice doesn't put out constant damage nearly as well as any of the combo powers. Think about the delay each time AG is complete...there is no damage. Combo powers on the other hand are always a stream of damage

    2 other things and just pointing it out (not trying to fight)
    A) You are topping SB simply because of a 3 clip power that takes less than 1 sec then is at max damage. This is main complaint against ice. That and sticking your left arm out for 20 minutes is SUPER boring
    B) If you were playing against top tier players then you would "always be on top" Mental should always obliterate you, Gadgets should always beat you, and Earth should beat you 50% of the time.

    ^^^This is against equally skilled and geared players when playing current content.
  8. iClip Committed Player

    Electric is THE best DPS in the game hands down
  9. Delta796th Loyal Player

  10. CassUV Well-Known Player

    But Ice has the advantage to do melee damage at 7m. Combo powers doesnt and combo powers has more vulnerability to interrupt than ice.
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  11. Nicolas Gallardo Committed Player

  12. Savior Prime Dedicated Player

    Dude, you apparently don't play with someone who knows how to do ice. There things to do that is more than 3 buffs AG AG AG AG. I've played against Mental players like dru. I'm not a SB chaser, so I don't pay attention to the SB until the end of the run.

    A) Mental casts resonance and it lasts 10 seconds without casting something. So you have time to get to next group without having to resetup your PI. As ice, I have to recast every 4 AG attacks. Yes we clip the 3 powers, but the animation of the final buff power takes time. And if I hit the buffs JUST before the baddies go away, the cooldown is there and can't do as much damage until the can be cast again. Also, the whole left arm thing...tired of this complain. If you don't want to play ice, don't play.

    B) Just b/c you can't beat mental doesn't mean someone else can't. As said earlier, there is more to ice than 3buffs and AG 4 times. A decent player with good timing can mental with ice anyday. Gadgets suck as the 3 different PI's HAVE to be applied to each mob. Mental can get knocked down, break out, and continue the routine. Gadgets get knocked down, they have to start their rotation all over again. It does high damage, but there is a 1-2 second window to cast the next power or the advanced mechanic big EMP hit won't apply.
  13. Delta796th Loyal Player

    Just so you understand right now both Mental & Gadgets are both bugged (Mental more than Gadgets)
    Feel free to look it up and you will understand why I said that.

    Even if you are playing Ice perfectly an Mental user will absolutely dominate you on the scoreboard right now. I'm not professing to be the world's greatest Ice DPS....I'm very good and will usually be right up there in damage.

    Time to relax there bud I was just clarifying for you what most of us already know. Ice is very very good with its damage and Earth is right there if using MM Supercharges that's why I said 50%
    But NO WAY in hell are you beating a good Mental player using the known bugged rotations.
  14. Delta796th Loyal Player

    Ok now that I'm on laptop and had some coffee let me explain my comments and why they are valid.

    When they initially started the midrange re balance it was done off 35 30 25 dps numbers depending on Melee / Mid / Ranged
    When They tested these SC were not part of the testing and are not considered in the total numbers. Mental / Gadgets was balanced of standard ho hum loadout to meet these parameters + / - 5%. It was not tested on 3 EMP / Mass Terror and as such has been reported to the devs who have since acknowledged this (still haven't done anything though)

    So POINT #1 : If you as ICE run vs a Mental or Gadget player running standard AM you will in fact produce very similar numbers.
    If however they are running modified they have a higher damage output capability than you do as ICE. Now this can be made up closer by using ICE Elemental SC, but I'm not sure if it can fully match them.

    THEN: It was discovered that that you can actually get a WM crit using mass terror FURTHER pushing the capability of Mental above and Beyond what ICE can ever do. Feel free to look deeper into the forums, but its quite common knowledge at this point.

    That's why I said Mental "would" dominate an Ice player. Gadgets "should" beat an Ice player (they can keep thier AM active between mobs as it was updated and Earth is 50 /50. If they are using FS properly and can get to their MM Supercharge I'd give the edge slightly to Earth...But again 50/50

    Finally your comments on I can't beat and you run with good...blah blah blah. If your Mental players don't want to use known bugs to top the SB then kudos to them. It's not that your power is superior, in short either they don't use them or aren't nearly as good as you thought. I play Ice primarily because at times we need a tank and I like to have 1 of each class. It's a super easy power to use AND YES IT IS ALL ABOUT 3clip AG AG AG which is boring, but still more effective DPS than the others unless you want to use Earth (which I don't)

    Feel free to check my info and you will find it's right.
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  15. Jacob Dragonhunter Steadfast Player

    Yeah right. Electricity and Nature users would love to work without that, but thanks to the slow burn people are still gonna want to kick you from group.
  16. Black Prime OG Devoted Player

    Lol, gadgets doesn't suck.
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  17. Black Prime OG Devoted Player

    Lol, earth. That pet is so broken it's not funny. My main I do good damage with, 175cr. My new at with 70sp that is earth, 163cr, can top dps.that are 10cr above me. Talking about constant damage. I wishould they would change the fury attacks and remove the pulse beam. That is, what I'm finding, the only reason earth tops sorcery.

    You are correct, mental and gadget dps should be beating ice. It's the burst dmg on npc why they pull so far away. To keep up or beat them, you really have to catch up on boss fights.
  18. Wallachia Devoted Player

    Mental is currently bugged and allowing for crits of around 500k hits, from what Mepps himself posted weeks ago.

    Anyone who knows how to really play Mental is unpassable. Trust me, I can outDPS mental playing as Rage.
  19. Scarlet Morrigan Active Player

    IMO, Nature and Electric are the weakest. Not a huge fan of Celestial, but I don't play it often enough.
    After that, pick what you think would be fun and try it. Mental, Gadgets, Earth, Fire, Sorcery or Hard Light can all be fun - you just have to match your style of play with a power that fits.