Up-Votes Needed "Battle for the Fortress" and other Alert/Raid missions not completing

Discussion in 'Arkham Asylum (Bug Reports)' started by Khalel79, Feb 11, 2020.

  1. Khalel79 New Player

    So my Quantum character has the mission “Battle for the Fortress” which says to queue up for “The chasm” raid. I have done this mission about 7 times on this character and it refuses to complete. It is bothersome because this didn’t happen when I ran my fire tank up past that and I am worried my character is bugged which would suck cause I have spent a lot of replay badges on her to buy completed grinding feats.
  2. Khalel79 New Player

    Now happening with “Warriors of Light” in regards to “mist recovery” alert.
  3. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    Did you completely wait for the instance to finish (all the NPCs finish speaking, scoreboard automatically pops up, says on screen the instance is "completed") or do you just leave when Lex finishes fixing the teleporter?
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  4. Wallachia Devoted Player

    I am levelling my toons and this is happening to all of them.

    Mission: Complete Oan Sciencecells -> I did this alert 3 times in a row -> Did not count as completed.

    Mission: Complete The Chasm -> Did it on two out of three toons -> Did not count as completed in any of them.

    It's not my inventory space, because I am making sure there is inventory space available.

    What's the point of playing these missions if I try to complete them and they don't count? Will I have to log in to play Oan Sciencecells and The Chasm for freaking ever?
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  5. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    The Chasm has an exceptional long ending where Lex and Superman are bickering after you rescue Krypto. The Chasm doesn't officially end until Luthor finishes with the teleporter. Let me run it real quick to confirm.
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  6. Wallachia Devoted Player

    That's the thing: I waited all this time, because I went to the bathroom. The same with oan sciencecells.
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  7. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    The Return to Last Location portal opens immediately after killing the last boss however, when Superman finishes talking the scoreboard comes up and the instance officially ends.
  8. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    Are you perhaps running the wrong version? There is a Novice and Expert version of The Chasm.
  9. Wallachia Devoted Player

    I have been running expert. I will queue for the novice version.

    I wonder about the Sciencecells as well.
  10. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    I just ran Sciencells, it's still giving away Legends feats so I'm pretty sure that is bugged.
  11. Wallachia Devoted Player

    Most probably.

    I mean, I get the rewards, the feats count and everything, but they don't complete the mission journals, as if I didn't make them. It even shows me loot locked when I queue again.
  12. Wallachia Devoted Player

    Completed Oan Sciencecells after 5 tries, only after getting on villain side as part of Task Force X.

    Did the Chasm for the FIFTH TIME IN TWO DAYS. Waited until the scorecard appeared + 10 minutes. Still not counting as completed.
  13. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

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  14. Rusah New Player

    Same thing is happening to me, done oan sciencells 3 times so fat today, got the loot first time, shows the loot lockout but is not completing in the journal. After contacting support was told they cannot mark the quest as complete (even tho i have done the requirments 3 times) and i was redirected here.
  15. Staggiie Level 30

    --Journal missions not completing (and no, it's not the ones where you have to choose rewards first). It's the The Chasm raid. I've competed it several times on both Novice and Expert versions, waited a long time after the scoreboard popped up, even went around collecting all the Briefings before I left the instance and it just won't compete at all in my journal.

    --Beating things too fast will glitch the instance and you're stuck, forced to leave. This happened to me in:
    Brainiac Sub-Construct Raid (where you have to take down the barriers on the 5 things. After the first one, the second one never became targetable)
    --Stryker's Prison Alert (the first set of turrets couldnt be destoryed because the objective in the side room to weaken them never became interactable)
    --Arkham Asylum Alert (Scarcrow fight. You get locked in after beating him and you're stuck in combat so un-able to teleport to Rally Point)
    --Ace Chemicals Alert (After beating the 3 bosses at the first valve room, valve never became interactable to close it, so you're stuck in the room)
    Metropolis City Hall Duo (Beating Arkillo the first time too quickly results in him reviving over and over and being unkillable no matter how many times you destroy the fear generators)

    --A few times I've been knocked out and unable to move upon respawn. Nothing seemed to break it except using the block roll dodge.

    --Sometimes using a teleporter in raids will freeze my game. Recently happened in Mist Recovery raid when I use the Teleport to Ranx teleporter.
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  16. MarkR92 New Player

    I have completed Fortress of Solitude: The Chasm on both Novice and Normal difficulty, but have not gotten credit for it in my journal. I still have the quest to complete it. Can you fix this please?
  17. Catastrophic Repercussion Dedicated Player

    Here's a workaround for Battle for the Fortress mission:
    Use the HQ teleporter and trigger the cutscene by walking outside.
    Without even talking to Supes/Lex, the [Queue up...] stage should turn green and reveal the [Defeat Fortress Guardian] part.
    You can now queue whatever version with others to finish it.
  18. MarkR92 New Player

    how long do i have to wait for you to confirm the problem?
  19. MarkR92 New Player

    the problem has been fixed, thanks a lot!
  20. Sprout Robinson Active Player

    I am also experiencing this bug in The Chasm Raid. I thought perhaps the restructuring of Episode 41 (there used to be two "The Chasm" raids and now there is only one) might fix this, but I just ran The Chasm again this morning and it still shows up in my journal as an uncompleted quest

    Toon: Sprout Robinson
    League: Funimation (tm? don't remember, will check)
    Server: US PC
    Faction: Hero
    Power: Nature
    Role: Healer / DPS
    Arts:Purple Healing Ray, Orb of Arion, and Eye of Gemini I *think* (will check)
    CR: 336-ish? (will check)
    SP:180-ish (will check)