Batman Inspired By

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Tacca, Mar 22, 2016.

  1. Tacca Well-Known Player

    Hi there, I'm Tacca the bat plant and I'm looking for a new inspired by batman style.

    This is my current style for dps. Which I'm using:
    Head: Robot Batman
    Back: Plant
    Chest: Dark Spectre
    Legs: Vengeance
    Shoulders: Gorilla Soldier
    Hands: Bat Gauntlet
    Waist: Checkmate
    Feet: Master Mercenary
    Aura: None
    Emblem: None

    For my healer I have:
    Head: Dark Knight Cowl
    Back: Batwoman
    Chest: Daring Vigilante
    Legs: Daring Vigilante
    Shoulders: None
    Hands: Finned
    Waist: Dark Spectre
    Feet: Stalwart Defender
    Aura: None
    Emblem: Batman (BvS)

    I'm looking for some changes in my healer style. But I'd want to keep the emblem and head piece the same. I also want the hands to be Dark Defender. I'd like a nature-esqe aura, hopefully they release a flowery aura in the springtime event (if they haven't already, I miss and skip most events). In the meantime before they release an aura I'd like a piece of style to show that I'm nature.


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  2. Backseid Devoted Player

    Have you seem the new emblem(s) on the Marketplace? :)
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  3. Tacca Well-Known Player

    Yes I'm wearing it on my healer loadout.
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  4. Brother Allen Loyal Player

  5. Backseid Devoted Player

    Ah, I didn't read the parts list ;)
  6. Shapiro Well-Known Player


    Here is my ninja-tech inspired Batman look that I wore for the BvS Tournament. Hopefully this helps inspire your next look. Good luck!!

    Head: Batman-Inspired Mask
    Chest: Department of Corrections
    Back: Dresden 7
    Shoulders: Engineer
    Hands: Spec Ops
    Belt: Spec Ops
    Legs: Spec Ops
    Feet: Spec Ops
    Emblem: Bat Symbol (BvS)
    Aura: forgot to turn it off lol
  7. Tacca Well-Known Player

    Oh I'll try that look next time I'm on.


    That's my healer look. As you can see it doesn't look nature-esqe
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