Batman Day Idea / Base Pet Concept

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Knight Racer, Sep 11, 2023.

  1. Knight Racer Well-Known Player

    I was thinking what the perfect complement to the manor bases as well as other bases that could use this What about an Alfred base pet? I could see it walk around with a serving tray saying funny quips about his job, passing out bat themed collections pieces daily and buff items for a batman reward item.
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  2. TI99Kitty Dedicated Player

    Two words: Bat. Cow.
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  3. Eve YouTuber

    Haha, referring to Alfred as a "Base Pet" is kind of weird, but yeah, I would love having him in my base, perhaps dropping random trash items with a chance at a cool base item. I really want Ace the Bathound too.
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  4. Grip Committed Player

    I don't know know what this is. The milk sounds awful. Sure, why not?! :cool:
  5. Hraesvelg Always Right

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  6. TI99Kitty Dedicated Player

    Bat-Cow is Damien's pet. :D
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  7. Grip Committed Player

    *smacks forehead* Saw her in Supersons (or a multiversal version of her who doesn't yet? fight crime). Thought she was a one-off plot device to differentiate the sons and help Damien learn from and cooperate with Jon. Other players have filled in a lot of my DC knowledge gaps over the years. Thank you both, and Bat-Cow gets my vote as well.
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  8. FoolsFire Devoted Player

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  9. sirAlann New Player

    awesomeeee idea