Base: tapestry and more tolerance!

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Aduzar Light, Dec 28, 2020.

  1. Aduzar Light Dedicated Player

    Hi, some ideas for housing.

    The tapestry :

    I think it would be more than welcome to have some basic objects that I would like to define as "tapestry" in order to change the appearance of the walls/ceiling/sole by another theme race to tapestries.

    Certainly, some objects can already be used as such, but unfortunately it is not always possible to perfectly camouflage a surface and also, depending on certain objects, if one wishes to do this, it would take far too much space on the basic object limit.

    I think it would be really good to be able to change the surface of a wall by what we would like to give to the style of our base by mixing a bit with the original base theme.

    In order to better illustrate this, the volcanic base theme is a good representation of the idea, this one takes up the technology base theme, but the walls have been replaced by a cave style, I really liked this "visual mix" so we should have more possibilities like that.

    It might be better to have a specific salesman for this type of decoration.

    Tolerance :

    When I talk about "tolerance" I don't mean the limit when we want to place certain objects in this or that place, sometimes, because of a specific basic structure it is often impossible to place the object as we would like to do, it would be good to relax this "tolerance" which sometimes blocks many ideas, this tolerance is also problematic in league halls blocking certain symmetry that we would like to be able to achieve and sometimes grotesquely annoying in relation to the same opposite area where the boundary does not block us. ..
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  2. Eve YouTuber

    Agreed, gave you a thumbs up. Anything to make our life easier when decorating and not limit our ideas is great.
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  3. Lycan Nightshade Dedicated Player

    just to add to the hopeful list.... id really like to be able to alter the steps on the stairs, carpeted, rocky, icy, ivy etc. Maybe this could even be more of a MP type thing.
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