Base Items and Gen Mods Items for symbols

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by RJTally31, Mar 26, 2015.

  1. RJTally31 Active Player

    Currently with the Loot changes coming soon. I feel it would be nice to clean up the loot table. There should be a vendor the sells base items from each Episode. An example would be Amazon war part II. You get symbols of Myth. You can find a vendor in the Command post were you buy the 99 gear. All this in mind people are going to say what about feat items or selling them on the broker. Feat items just cost more then most. So it is a win win for both parties. You will still have to play the content to get the items making the DLC content still usable after gear and style are acquired. For players base items are no longer flooding there loot table lowering the chances at gear.
    For base items that are lower then symbols. Make them marks of Triumph. That gives you something to spend those marks on. Base items in the market place is not working. Not to many people are going to buy those items to deco there base when they can buy it off the broker.

    For the teleporter mods those should just go for Triumph. They are to common to make a difference.

    Stat Gen Mods for stats are fine but should not have top tier mods a luck based drop. Should just cost both top tier marks and symbols. So its not a hand out you still have to work for it. But it shouldn't be lucked based.

    This whole post cause you should not have so much on a loot table that normal drops become even more rare.
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  2. Serj Committed Player

    first reply towards leeway
  3. SirMuttonChops New Player

    I agree with a lot of this to different extents. Cleaning up the #Loot table means better chances for #Loot. But I'd definitely make a few changes that are similar to this.

    Base items tied to feats, like the Halls of Power Artifacts, should be 100 Symbols of that DLC (sort of saying, "Wow, you ran it this much and still don't have it? Here ya go." Other feats that don't require specific ones can be 70 Symbols, the way the Rare Style vendor works. I also personally wouldn't mind if some of the common items that were nice for bases/halls were made purchaseable for a reasonable price. Not all items, of course, but some.

    I'd also like the Stat Gen mods to be more frequent and be completely extra to the normal drops.

    Buying certain teleporter mods would be a cool idea. But they'd have to be ridiculously cheap. It's not like they're worth anything on the broker anyways.
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  4. BigAl Devoted Player

    I do agree, the symbols become a waste of memory space, no matter how small. Make them useful.
    Let us cash them in for more vault trips so we can get more useless stuff. :p
  5. CrazyArtBrown Dedicated Player

    Symbols are not worth anything, and they never will be worth anything. They just keep track of where your Marks came from.

    The symbols were only added to tier 6 to try and balance out some player complaints with the original developer plan for gear. I expect that sometime in the future, maybe tier 7, maybe later, the current Symbols will just go away. You can already see how that will work by looking at the tier 5 vendors. The same amount of Marks of Triumph will buy CR86 gear from the Trigon vendor or CR90 gear from the Mogo vendor. The Trigon vendor wasn't always priced like that. There used to be another type of mark, and it was only all converted into MoT at the end of the tier.

    There was just a post the other day about the current plans for reworking the whole loot table.
  6. Torikumu 10000 Post Club

    Base Items have absolutely no effect on gear drops whatsoever. They are drawn from their own loot table after a "yes/no" decision by the loot system on whether or not to draw one. The same applies to Generator mods and R&D plans/Focusing Elements.

    Symbols are not currency. They are purely a way for the game to identify that you have earned at least half of your Marks of Fury from the content which introduced the items you are trying to buy. As this is a requirement set by the developers. They serve no purpose other than for this.

    I wouldn't be opposed to a vendor with base items for symbols, though. Especially because a lot of the newer base items (mainly DLC12 and 13) have been "modular" in a way. It's worth getting more than one of most items.
  7. RJTally31 Active Player

    This is whats coming for the new loot system. I know cause I read the Forum as well. I also know how the current marks system works because I have been playing the game for some time now. My idea is to change the symbols so that they have use after the DLC or episode is complete. Because you cant say you do not have 100 symbols of power I in your inventory and for that matter after you have the artifacts base item feat that you are going to really gonna run those. Except to farm marks a fury until Tier 7 comes out and those marks have no purpose again. I am just throwing ideas around cause you do not find to many people running Kahndaq for a fish tank. Plus having a system were those of us who like the base and league hall deco have a place to get items for our ideas.
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