Balance all Powers PVE/PVP

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by CaptainPoptart, Oct 2, 2015.

  1. CaptainPoptart Committed Player

    Powers been broken wayyyyyy to long.....Don`t you guys think its time to fix them? Pvp matches between dps last about 5-9 seconds which is very dumb and in pve we go through missions way tooo fast and thats why people are leaving because it gets wayy too boring, its easy to solve this guys Just do you`re job and balance all the powers in both PVP/PVE
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  2. SSeid Committed Player

    The only way to make the dev team to start working on PvP balance is to threaten to lay them off. Short of that or anything just as dramatic they won't give a flying f*ck until they find a way to monetize it and/or add replays to it again.

    As far as PvE balance, it's what they have been trying to do for almost 2(?) years now, but if they do balance it then being any power will do the trick so no more insane power token sales.. it's a dilemma.
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