Bad luck counter broken !?!

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by xpoipoix, Sep 4, 2015.

  1. Torikumu 10000 Post Club

    This is ultimately my argument with the entire game.

    The large majority of characters never make it to level 30. Some 20m of them. Most of them will be unique accounts. Not going to put a figure on it though as I'd be wrong. But it's safe to say that most people don't make it to the sweet spot in the end game that the developer like to exploit.

    If they created some items which have mass appeal to all players, not just the end game few, then sure, they might make less on a per person basis, but ultimately they'd pull in the numbers through sheer volume of sales.

    Krypto vanity pet trinket. A desirable item even to the likes of old veteran Torikumu. Sell it for 300MC, requiring a minimum purchase of 500MC. You've not only got yourself a sale for the vanity pet, but you've also got a customer with 200MC spare from which to buy something else. They're also converted now, into a paying customer, which means their next payment isn't going to be anywhere near as hard to get as they've already (probably) had a pleasant experience.

    Assume upon release of this imaginary product that the player base is 5m strong across all platforms and servers. (I doubt it is but roll with me). If they sell that vanity pet to 10% of players, they've sold 500,000 of them at 500MC each which translates to 250,000,000MC or $2.5m in revenue.

    Now obviously my figures are waaaaaaaay off to the reality of our player base. But you get the jist of the concept. Make products to sell which have mass appeal and always target your largest audience the hardest. Not just to the end game, but people checking the game out. Keep the prices cheap and stop trying to screw over everyone to make a quick buck. Make the prices tempting and appear risk free so that people won't feel screwed over.

    Do this and tighten up the end game so that it's actually challenging and the gear actually takes effort to achieve but everyone can earn every piece if they're willing to put the effort in. Even incorporate replay badges into speeding up the process (it doesn't matter if people go too fast now that they're releasing content every month. A subscription lasts 1 month, new content and rewards come out every month. There's no down time to get bored, now) and you'll maintain your end game player base much easier than now, keeping them excited, engaged and happy, leading to more word-of-mouth promotion (I can't promote the game to people at the minute with what's going on in the end game) and a bigger active player base overall.

    That's what I'd do if I had my way.
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  2. Delta795 New Player

    Its been clearly defined. Alerts and raids are on separate "bad luck counters.
    Its based only on gear nothing else.
    It doesn't matter what you take, if a rare item 123 drops and you don't take it, it still resets.

    These are the ?'s most have. I always laugh when people will have 2 or 3 rare drops in regular alert and then co.plain only 112 in elite!
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  3. Remander Steadfast Player

    FWIW, the only content that will reset the bad luck limiter are raids and this one alert (since it's there only one that drops rare loot). You can run solos, duos, and other alerts without concern for resetting the limiter. I'm pretty sure certain base items are part of the rare loot table.
  4. BluePlusYellow Well-Known Player

    first off gonna say it's your fault for resetting it so many times. And I didn't trust that whole bad luck system was bunk to begin with I would do NgN worth All6 my characters one I may get 110 drops from every boss and happen 2-3 weeks in row. And on other char I won't get anything. I don't remember them saying specifically if a"rare" was in loot table at all or if you actually had to choose it to make it reset.
  5. lukelucky Devoted Player

    I passed on two regular 123s hoping id be in good shape come elite time. Lol nope but this is the one time luck is on my side. I have 4 123elites. 3 for my tank and a repeat of tue chest. Second toon has chest and legs. Onpy item I habe not seen is a waiste. Yet.

    I expect 4 runs of notta and I expect to have doubles. I figured id get a few of one b4 getting 3 of 4 for a role but now next piece gives me 4 for my tank or a second for my dps.

    If the system worked like this overall then yea it would be great. Even a keeper but time after time more people seem unhappy then happy
  6. Remander Steadfast Player

    Why would you pass? The regular and elite drops are different pieces, and passing doesn't affect the luck limiter. Just getting a rare drop option is enough to reset it.
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  7. Pr0tojay Committed Player

    My goal for Sunday was to run dc elite like 10 or 15 times to try and pick up some elite gear today. If you told me id run it that much and not get a single elite piece other than a waist piece i have already on my other role, I wouldve called you a liar for sure. Today was pretty brutal if you ask me. Just thought id share that with yall.
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  8. AJPro Committed Player

    Yeah, it's like buying a lottery ticket...percentages mean shift its all about luck.....
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  9. lukelucky Devoted Player

    Thats why. I was thinking it did not reset until I selected the rare item. Lol well one more dumb guy stories for the fellas. If I got the best gear except the 121 head not the 123 non elit and it drops my cr I guess ill hop3e next cycle is nice
  10. Jumpnit Dedicated Player

    What up with all these post? Do you not feel that adding to another one of the 15 threads that have been started in the last 2 days would have been more helpful?
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  11. Xanoth Dedicated Player

    While that's... crazy. I can see why people spam replays, if they've got the money to throw away. The sooner you get the items the longer they are relevant. BP drops were relevant for a whole month, DCn will be relevant for a month. DCe for 2 months.

    They say we'll be replacing gear every 90 days, but looking at the convoluted system they've created, that's not the case. Episode 18 will see 130 chest/back/legs/waist if the pattern continues. CR is king, so the 123 and 126 elite gear will be replaced.

    Some gear doesn't even last 30 days, considering drop rates are so poor without replay spam you'll not see the gear before it's been made redundant in most cases.

    From the same team that scrapped the old currency system(s) and went with a consolidated one, because apparently it was too complicated for poor customers to understand and their new system is much easier to understand (in a way that allows us to buy all new vendor gear in 24 hours of content coming out), they a few months later we get this mess.
  12. Pr0tojay Committed Player

    I didnt feel the need to read any other threads before i posted. Only time i do that is when im bored. I just came on and posted something that was on my mind without caring what was posted before me...simple.
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  13. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    im sorry but every 4 runs I got a elite piece I needed if that isnt working as intended then idk.

    now what I dont get is I have ran the regular version over 20 times since Wed and never seen 123 feet, head or 123 brawling. Now explain that 1.
  14. Multiverse 15000 Post Club

    Now we need video evidence of those runs.

    Come on..... you have a PS4..... you can do it. ;) ;)
  15. CaptainColdilocks Dedicated Player

    I fully support your decision.
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  16. Biester New Player

    Here's some advice, stop investing into a broken and unfair system. Loot drops suck? Then quit spending bundles of money supporting it. This loot format will never change bc the money profited justifies the luck-based drops.
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  17. SasquaT Dedicated Player

    For one 200 $ is nothing for other his whole village can survive whole year for 200 $ .I dont give a ..... how much people spend on this game but for sure they are not foolish if they got money u can only dream on :)
    If they want support this game spending more and more its good for u coz thx to those pople this game is still on so u should thx them .
  18. Misteryio1 New Player

    Are the devs ever going to answer the questions about loot.i don't understand how some people get 2 elite drops in one run but others like myself get none after numerous runs in a row.i keep seeing complaints everywhere but not one dev giving any feedback.happy to take our money but not sort the problem.
  19. Stamen Dedicated Player

    The reason the loot system feels so borked in DCUO compared to other games is all about the reset badges I believe. I've played a lot of MMO's and farmed "elite" gear before and it can be frustrating to get it to drop. The differences though are that here we have to pay to farm an area, and we can't really do anything to increase our odds of obtaining the loot (like running with a three man group instead of a four man group, etc.)

    I still occasionally get 0-10 or -1-15 run. I hate it and I am convinced the RNG has it in for me, but what you do besides refuse to burn replays and money on the system as is. I won't farm any of this content with replays. The only reset I will do is for a friend that needs me to run it with them. Other than that, I am done chasing high end gear... I want something of substance to farm, not something that is obsolete six weeks later.
  20. Frankzilla Committed Player

    Your better off going to the casino if you wanna wasted money on a rigged system at least you can get drunk there.
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