Augment System Suggestion

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by vihtsuhei, May 6, 2024.

  1. vihtsuhei New Player

    Hi all!

    I don't exactly know where to put this, but following up on this thread
    I gave it some thoughts and the idea is mine and mine alone ;) (So, daybreak, DCUO, devs: reward me upon implementaion, thanks in advance)

    Instead of implementing an auto-equip system imho it would be easier to have them "stacked".
    What do I mean specifically?

    As of now, you may already burn your older augments to level up the newest ones,
    but instead of destroying them they should be incorporated into an
    Augment of Omnipotence (AOP).

    The easiest and for players most convenient way would be to have the base stats of the highest incorporated augment (as of now Cursed Skulls Lvl 28)
    whereas the specific rank bonuses should be of that very episode one is in at that moment.

    So, for example:
    When I'm in JLDC content with a max ranked Mighty Cursed Skull at 28, I get the following stats and bonuses:

    Base Stats:
    • 5735 Health
    • 11714 Power
    • 4171 Might
    • 5283 Weaponization Rating
    Content-specific Bonuses:
    • Hat Trick
    • Lunar Blessing
    • Constantine's Confidence
    • Stage Performer
    • Aggressive Germination
    • Anti-Viral Spores
    Now when I'm switching to to Wonderverse content for example, instead of having the reduced base stats from the Wonderverse augments, my base stats stay the same from the Cursed Skull augment, thus:
    • 5735 Health
    • 11714 Power
    • 4171 Might
    • 5283 Weaponization Rating
    But my content-specific bonuses are changing according to the region/on-duty missions, therfor:
    Content-specific Bonuses:
    • Grecian Gifts
    • Treasures of Themyscira
    • Hydra Slayer
    • Enhanced Engraving
    • Amazonian Researcher
    • Godsphere Adaptaion
    And so forth and so on...
    So, the idea to make this work is that one is only able to feed fully leveled augments into the
    Augment of Omnipotence (AOP).
    On the Dev side, there might be 3 ways to go about this:
    1. Feed any fully leveled augment into the AOP. This will be the easiest and most player friendly way.
    2. Feed them top-to-bottom, so as of EP 46, a fully-leveled Cursed Skull has to be fed into the AOP to make the AOP work. This version is new player friendly and still "forcing" people to run the content. ;)
    3. Feed them bottom-to-top, which means that only if you have a fully ranked Cybernetic Augment (Titans augment of any kind) fed into the AOP you are able to feed the Enchanted Coral augment (from the Atlantis episode) into the AOP. This is long-term player friendly and might revitalize the older episodes for a short-term.
    So, Daybreak, I haven't forgotten about the cash machine:
    For the players with a lot of high-ranked alts, there would also be a payable WOLFPACK version of a reasonable $100.
    In any case, this implementation will save the players a lot of hustle and enhanced playbility in the long run.
    Thanks for reading and considering my suggestion,