Atomic aura bug in shattered gotham raid

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by geoforcee100, Mar 31, 2019.

  1. geoforcee100 Well-Known Player

    because we get grounded in there sometimes the atomic aura after the full combo and hitting proton remedy does not give us the aura.. and this in elite fighting the boss and adds is a potential one shot on the tank... or slow dps.. laos noticed on tala fight i was un able to get my aura even after the full combo for 4mins in the fight lol.. i will upload the vidoe showing this soon.
    this needs to be fixed!
  2. High Troller Loyal Player

    What load out are you using? I stacked my shields on test server and used only one combo thermo nuclear explosion, neutrino blast to grant aura. Three shields including group shield, density, and hard light shield.

    Sounds like a workaround? No. I ran a similar load out during Survival Mode because I could get knocked of my aura and you just have to seek different ways to tank with atomic at times.
  3. High Troller Loyal Player

    i ran shattered reg just now....and to throw this in the mix.... 100% pug matchmaking from the queue (I queued up by myself). zero deaths. this is not an attempt to brag or belittle by any means. sometimes you have to think outside the box. if you would like details, feel free to ask.




  4. geoforcee100 Well-Known Player

    thank you! it seems proton remedy is broken.. the neut power works every time!!.. i guess a dev needs to take a look at proton remedy cause sometimes after a full combo it does turn on the aura! thnks again for all replies!
  5. High Troller Loyal Player

    proton remedy does not break you out... i don't see the bug. i stopped using it some time ago... and no atom splitter for the most part... thermonuc combos to bounce adds away then pull back in... repeat
  6. DCWarrant Level 30

    OP is not referring to breaking out. It’s using proton remedy as a ‘shortcut’ to active the aura. Which I can also confirm, is buggy. In SG I’ve also had the aura ‘drop’ for no reason.
  7. High Troller Loyal Player

    what rotation do you use? didn't realize the PR being glitchy btw. chucked it from my loadout a few months after stats revamp. i gain a spot on my loadout for something else.
  8. DCWarrant Level 30

    The 2 melee combos. (Don’t remember the names). I clip one combo into the other. At the end of either combo, you can use neutrino or PR to shortcut into the aura. Using PR to shortcut isn’t working 100% of the time. I didn’t notice until Tala fight: I can also confirm that using PR as the shortcut is working in both the duo, alert, and open world stuff. As well as Fellowship.

    The aura also started dropping off me for no reason during SG. Again I first noticed during Tala.
  9. High Troller Loyal Player

    sounds like atom splitter and thermonuc explosion.. wish i recorded the pug queue i showed in the screenshots. i rarely lost my aura, but with enough adds juggling you around, it can happen. not using atom splitter can keep the adds away and your aura up i recall. i'll run it again this coming evening, using my same loadout as above to see how often the aura wears off. i might even run it on my fresh 253 hero tank to see how plausible it is to do.
  10. DCWarrant Level 30

    The thing is, as long as you’re doing your combos, the aura shouldn’t drop. Melee or ranged. There is normally enough time to get controlled, breakout, and continue combo’n, without losing your aura.

    The aura loss started the last DLC, the Zodiac Magus would cause you to randomly (or scripted?) lose it. The PR shortcut worked fine in that DLC’s content.

    It is possible the OP and myself are clipping the combo with PR too quickly, making so the third stack isn’t registered. (3 stacks are required to shortcut). There are a few goofy button issues across power sets that I’ve seen. Sometimes when Quantum dps’n distortion wave makes me jump, but doesn’t clip the power. (It jumps without actually hitting X). As well as the electric power for mental, psychokinesis?, will cast twice even tho only hitting the button once. Then there’s having to mash the R1 multiple times to breakout.
  11. Schimaera Devoted Player

    Just experienced it myself. Proton Remedy works fine. However, after going through a few rotation circles the aura just randomly drops. With or without the use of PR or APA etc. And I was certainly in the time frame to refresh the stacks.

    So right now, as far as I have encountered myself, there are two bugs in Shattered Gotham (event, normal and elite):
    • Atomics QGA does not refresh from time to time even when you are just cycling stack generators (can also just be a rotation of Neutron Bomb, Nuclear Burst, Atom Splitter, and TNE). It just drops.
    • Nature's DoTs simply vanish from all bosses and adds throughout all of the boss fights but they seem to work normal on adds between the boss fights along the way. You can spam Harvest/Thorn shield as much as you like, they just drop. This might be also true for Pheromones but I haven't tested it yet.
    I got the feeling that it has to do with the madness meter increasing or something. Or when Shazam reduces the meter. I have no idea. I just apply three DoTs, go to my normal rotation (that works perfectly fine in any other content, any.) and at some point, there are no DoTs on the target(s) anymore. Has nothing to do with them expiring because I refreshed them too late. Matter of fact, I'm refreshing them around 6 seconds earlier since it lines up better with my rotation(s).
    The same goes for the QGA. You do your thing, rotate your abilities and at some point, it just disappears. Again, no timing issue, if you rotate two stack generators over and over again there is literally no way you could miss the timing and let the stacks expire.
    It is really annoying, especially since it "forces me" to play precision in this raid. There is no real good loadout for Nature without DoTs, nor is there anything of use with atomic without the QGA, really.
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  12. geoforcee100 Well-Known Player

    yup what he said it is bugged when you use proton remedy in sg in combat and the aura goes away very quickly..!
  13. geoforcee100 Well-Known Player

    i did not know tht nature dots were also affected intresting.. this needs to be looked at by devs to see what other powers are affected.. and what is causing this bug,.

    atomic tank without aura is a one shot.. in elite this needs a fix asap and nature dots going not good at all..
  14. Schimaera Devoted Player

    Millbarge said just yesteday that it will be fixed in an upcoming hotfix :)
  15. geoforcee100 Well-Known Player

    thnxs! cant wait because proton remedy heals based of ya hp and my is 102k i the heals i get are huge :D
  16. geoforcee100 Well-Known Player

  17. Illumin411 Loyal Player

    I don't know about a bug but the lag has been strong with this one and it's caused me to mistime my combos, punch the air instead and frequently lose my aura. It's been very annoying.