Atom, Firestorm, Canary +3 heroes... Arrow Spinoff show?

Discussion in 'Joker’s Funhouse (Off Topic)' started by SuperSoldier, Mar 8, 2015.

  1. SuperSoldier Devoted Player

    Has this been discussed yet? Caity Lotz (Sarah Lance/Canary) was cast for the Arrow spinoff also featuring Brandon Routh (Atom), Robbie Amell (Firestorm) which will also feature 3 other heroes.

    It hasn't been revealed how her character will return.
  2. Ankh_Legacy Devoted Player

    Chances are Caity Lotz wont be Sarah Lance. Yes this is a comic show but there is really no reason to bring her back to life, other than she was a better Canary.

    The article I read seemed to emphasize the phrase "never before appeared on a T.V. series" for some characters, so that may be where she fits in. We will just have to wait and see.

    Although I am looking forward to this any other comic shows, I'm getting fearful that they are flooding the market. For us comic fans there's never enough but the market is another thing, it just cant handle it.
  3. montazumas revenge Devoted Player

    First we had 100 csi shows, now heroes,,
    step in right direction, but it might be to much to soon
  4. GreenLanternForever Well-Known Player

    I am very curious about what theyre doing here. I dont mind Caity Lotz coming back as a completely different character and if she was the same one the only way i could see her being alive is if Flash saves her in the past but then the whole season wouldve been pointless and that would do more harm than good, also from the info we have this is very confusing i mean what are they doing? From what ive heard Robbie Amell isnt going to be in it only the old guy Dr. Stein or w/e, Palmer is suppose to be in it and even weirder Capt Cold is gonna be in it which is one of Flash's most recognizable villains. There are also rumblings of possibly Booster Gold or Rip Hunter which would be nice.

    As far as flooding the market, its tough, obviously businesses are made to make money and what we have here is people on the bandwagon, obviously consumers and "Purists" are going to get tired of superheros and some have, rightly so, but it has to get to a point where they practically boycott these shows and movies, there are dozens upon dozens of "reality" tv shows yet they still thrive even if for one season. Same goes for crappy Rom Coms, and "found footage" etc.

    Like it or not superheros are here and they aint going away soon, specifically the big dog Marvel, there movies are more or less geared toward kids/17 and under club and thats a large demographic include Parents and actual people that read comics i mean the money practically prints itself.
  5. SuperSoldier Devoted Player

    There's a chance of Superhero fatigue on the part of the general public, but not if they are done correctly. If we think about it, Superheroes can spans across many other different types of popular TV genres from sci-fi, fantasy, mystery, procedural, sitcoms,.. etc.

    They don't all have to be "Dark & Gritty" like what DC is doing.;)
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  6. Nebula153 Well-Known Player

  7. dngnb8 Devoted Player

    I find the market being over saturated with Comic shows. Its like all the CSI type shows.
  8. DarkVisor 15000 Post Club

    Five or six 'comic' shows is 'over saturation' now?
    /punts the Ding Bat into his own chasm
  9. Anothername Well-Known Player

    What five shows? I mean we have Arrow & Flash (thankfully a shared universe), to some extend Shield which I'm not sure could qualify just because it plays in a universe which has also Superheroes and even less so Gotham which is a cop/crime show playing long before Batman.

    ... I want more :D
  10. DarkVisor 15000 Post Club

    That just reinforces the point: how is that 'over saturation'?
    If you want to talk 'over shituration', let's talk 'reality' shows, especially cooking and renovation shows