
Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by ALB, Jan 25, 2020.

  1. ALB Dedicated Player

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  2. SugarHoneyIcedTeaMix Well-Known Player

    But..... we all knew least people with slight common sense
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  3. Trexlight Devoted Player

    I mean...and water is wet.

    Also your video doesnt provide proof its P2W, you provide us with a video that has nth metal inventory you say you grinded out for a year. But you also used Nth Metal Detectors which yes means you either bought them on the MP (which would help your P2W argument) or you bought them on the Broker. The best way to "prove" they are actually P2W is to grind out Nth Metal just from playing the game in a year, as per your example, without using Nth metal Detectors and then leveling up an Artifact and seeing at which Rank those XP items get you there.That would serve as a better example to the P2W argument you want t present.

    Im not wanting to argue it because I certainly feel they are to a degree but you provide a video of an inventory of Nth metal that you collected for a year. Thats only part of the experiment to prove your Hypothesis. Kudos for the grind though. That is certainly an impressive assortment to be sure.
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  4. Belthazur Dedicated Player

    This is NOT News that Artifacts are P2W I mean come on..
    Also you Dont Give ANY Proof that you Say you have..
    So.. What are you really trying to say here
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  5. ALB Dedicated Player

    So, you want me to actually run the instances on video and show every nth metal cache drop? That's craziness. I have 18 at cr toons. I don't run each one everyday, but I run them enough.
    To my point, Artifacts are bad for the game. If a player want to comeback, and that are anything but a troll, they need to level artifacts. If they want to run elite, even as a troll, top artifacts are needed. DCUO is shooting itself in the foot.
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  6. ALB Dedicated Player

    What proof do you need?
  7. Proxystar #Perception

    The guy has 2,693 Nth Metal Cache, including the 3 stacks he said he sold.

    You get 5 Cache per hour generally speaking of farming, so he used 538.6 nth metal detectors over the course of a year.

    If he's constantly running an nth metal detector that only amounts obviously to 538.6 hours game time in a year / 365 = 1.475 hours per day over the course of a year, pretty light going really when you think about it...

    Also note in his inventory there are none of the 3,000 Nth Metal you get from the vault once a week, there should be 52 of them? Where are they? Also you're suggesting that in the course of 365 days game time he only got 29, 500 value Nth Metals?

    Over the course of that year there's obviously been at least one double Nth Metal weekend... I'd suggest he's used a bunch of it during that time and his Nth metal is sitting in his artifacts and this is what he's got left sitting around currently.

    Artifact progression is pay2win sure, as said that's like calling water wet, but bigger pay2win aspect isn't so much the nth metal as it is the absolutely required seals of completion.

    I would assert good sir, that the person in your video is being at best misleading at worst, outright lying ;)

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  8. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    Artifacts by definition are NOT pay to win. They are however pay to speed up.

    Pay to win means that you buy something that others can not just farm which gives you an edge they don’t have. Artifacts are in fact a money gimmick to speed up the process of having an edge. However with enough grinding and taking advantage of bonus weekends and free nth given you can get the same maxed out artifacts.

    It would be pay to win if you could only achieve 200 through means on money but that’s not the case
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  9. fm0987 Committed Player

    Idk about p2w, more like pay to play, or pay to play your role most effectively and efficiently. I guess if you consider getting pve content done winning. But yeah the grind vs market convenience factor is laughable. And at a certain point you basically have to pay to continue upgrading even if you do forgo buying the xp by saving and banking it up instead, you still have to buy seals.
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  10. Belthazur Dedicated Player

    I also was Wondering where his Weekly Nth Metal Ingot was from Running Vault
    Sadly I have heard Many who DON'T run Vault Daily Just because it doesn't drop ANY new Style...LOL
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  11. Belthazur Dedicated Player

    Id be Happy with the Proof you CLAIMED to have..
    However We all Know this Already..
    So Again Why this Thread was even Created.
  12. ALB Dedicated Player

    You get roughly 7k a week from vault. Maybe another 5k from stabilizer event. That's 660k experience a year. Every artifact update is an new one that's way better than the last. We get them 3 times a year. Still bad for longterm business
  13. ALB Dedicated Player

    Tanks and healers would be terrible in the past 3 dlcs without artifacts.
  14. Miss Adora Loyal Player

    I would say pay to level up the artifacts. Your video didn't show the percentage of breakthroughs. Let's be honest, first few is really high, then it drops really quickly. So it basically start forcing you buy seals of completions. You can do the other one, I got a package of 5, and it went through all of them.

    What really irritated me, I leveled La Morte up to level 120, and it's no different then level 80, or not much different, have to wait till level 160, so yeah when you look at some of the artifacts, you really need to get to level 160 to even see a difference on certain artifacts.
  15. Rejchadar Inquisitor

    It’s funny that you mentioned the tank, since the last tank artifact appeared during the JLD, and by the way it doesn’t even come close to the effectiveness of "Manacles" and "EOG", which in turn appeared at the time of Atlantis, it is probably a little better than "Dilustel" which in turn is with us from the start. So your statement about each new one is better than the previous one, far from the truth.
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  16. HurricaneErrl Dedicated Player

    But they don't need artifacts passed 120 either. I'd recommend 160. I've ran with plenty of people who even run endgame elites with 120 artifacts.
  17. Trexlight Devoted Player

    Im not expecting you to record it, of course it would help, and also not using Nth metal Detectors. its not crazy if you want to prove your point in the most accurate way. Seeing how much nth metal you get in a year without using MP items like Detectors will prove more to your point if they are Pay 2 Win. More so, you arent really proving Artifacts are P2W. You are proving more the grind of nth metal is P2W. This video proves the p2w side, now to compare you should run collect it for a year with only with running in game.

    We all know Artifacts are p2w but you dont bring anything to the table to prove that more. Now if you used that Nth Metal to level up an Artifact and if those dont even get you to 200, now THAT serves the argument of p2w because not even a Year's worth of Nth Metal can get you to Max and thats terrible.

    I'll also point, and this is of course my opinion, but Artifacts themselves are great. I like the buffs and change they provide. Some are a bit broken for sure but the Artifact leveling itself is whats truly broken and needs to be fixed. Artifacts arent bad for the game. Its the monetization behind them that are bad for the game. Its the leveling grind that is absurd that are bad for the game.
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  18. HurricaneErrl Dedicated Player

    Even using detectors doesn't prove any P2W aspect. I never run without a detector. All you have to do is buy one from the broker then most of the time you can sell one single cache to get your money back and the rest is either pure profit to fill your bank account or to stack and save for the next double xp weekend. Everyone should be doing this. Besides when the economy was in the toilet and when the broker was down, there has only been a a few times when there hasn't been any detectors on the broker for a reasonable price. But even when the detectors were going for insane amounts of money, so were the caches.
  19. Trexlight Devoted Player

    It doesnt prove but it also doesnt help either. Nth Metal Detectors can only be gained by buying them in the MP. Them being sold on the broker is helpful for sure but they arent an item that lives in the game world that you can get by just playing the game.

    And you know, its true. i will need to take a step back from the P2W statement of calling them because as someone else pointed out, Artifacts and Ranks can be gained by playing the game. But I'll also again say, the leveling system is tied to the MP and it truly becomes a mentality thing and I'll even say a predatory pressure on one's self to ease themselves because opening the wallet makes it easier to level them than naturally progressing by just playing the game.
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  20. Kanmaru Dedicated Player

    I personally think Artifacts are the equivalence of stage two cancer and the only way to fight it is to "pay" for nonstop treatments. I am to the point where I'm praying for a new Revamp that completely gets rid of them altogether.
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