Artifact Glitch

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Stag, Dec 12, 2021.

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  1. Qwantum Abyss Loyal Player

    Im curious what all criteria is considered for this exploit?
    I havent read up, i dont use exploits so didnt care but i did begin working on neck an augs immediately.
    Now that some 800 accts been banned and mepps said more to come m curious what constitutes using an exploit (in their eyes).

    For example, the only fortifications i did were augs an neck, and i only fortified with proper materials. Am i safe or did i too somehow exploit something???
  2. niehlsbohr Active Player

    i never worried, i saw speed hacker the other day again and didnt report him. im a cash cow so im not worried at all. So what i dont report, its not my job to report these hackers and waste my personal time. Dcuo needs to implement machine learning and parse the logs and create alerts for suspicious one not us reporting and wasting our time, what is this the 90s.

    If you spend more than $200-$300 + subscription a year, I can guarantee you that you're safe. Do you think it's easy to find cash cow in this market right now? C'mon man. These accounts are probably those fake gold sellers and the ones that spend minimum amount of cash. Its all just a show.
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  3. Krys Ptoleny Ii New Player

    So… my real thought:
    1. If you have never been warned, get warning and your spoils reset.
    2. If you have been warned, you get suspended for a week and your spoils reset.
    3. If you have been suspended, you get banned, loss of account.

    The one thing reading all of this is from a business standpoint, you don’t lose anything if you reset their stuff… however, you are about to do a Christmas sale and you have looming threats of more bans? You really think anyone who erred is going to drop money when they might lose their account in a month? I know I wouldn’t… and unfortunately EVERYONE who spends money on this game is keeping it running… even the cheaters.
  4. fm0987 Committed Player

    I’m not saying the exploiters were in the right but I kinda feel like this should’ve been handled differently. First of all, from what I understand, the bug was known about on test (wasn’t further investigated til people started exploiting it on live?). Second, couldn’t they just roll back any fortifications that took place after the fact (idk if this is technically possible).
  5. Tolly Committed Player

    Banning is really ridiculous in a game, especially if it's a client, punishing it yes, but banning it is totally unproductive and useless, because coming back is so simple, the ip can be changed easily, you have a client that you risk turning into a free to play player, banning it is more of a loss than a solution!

    Moreover if you ban a player, you may also lose his friend(s) (potential customer) who may not play the game anymore because his buddy(s) won't be there, not to mention the impact on the leagues ;)

    the game's activity is already too impacted as it is, no need to make it worse!
  6. kallader Committed Player

    I say give a permanent life ban for those who did abuse the bug on multiple characters and give a chance to those who did it a single time because you have difference between abusing a bug to profit from it and someone who probably did a mistake listen the wrong peoples.
  7. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    If you're not suspended at the moment and you know you didn't do anything wrong I wouldn't worry about it. Mepps wording makes it sound like the 800 that are currently suspended were abusing the exploit multiple times, if they did so knowingly they will be permanently banned. Further investigation in January will round up the players that may have exploited at least once. If you fortified equipment with the proper materials you're fine.
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  8. Atrocuis_ Well-Known Player

    Ok I'm Glad They Suspends You The 800 & Ones On This Thread You Knew Something Was Wrong It Was All Over The Place
    In Game Chat Forums Everywhere You Couldnt Miss It

    The Ones Defending It Either Did It Or Have Friends Or Whatever That Kicked Off The Game

    You Definetely Got What's Coming
    Hope You Choke On It

    Any Real Player Like The Ones On This Thread
    Wouldn't Think Other Wise

    Its All An Agreement Here
  9. niehlsbohr Active Player

    Whatever scheme, bottom line is need to generate profits, these accounts that they said banned could be most fake accounts that didn't generate profit. The spin would be they banned 800 accounts, its all corporate marketing at this point. No one really knows, whatever it is, the ban can't affect profit margin and that's the ultimate fact.
  10. Pale Rage Dedicated Player

    There are some who had accidental fortification increases, they are aware that some people did not intend/attempt to exploit a bug, but still got a benefit from it. For example, my son fortified an augment and it jumped to max: one augment, one accident, and his account is not banned/suspended; however I did tell him they will likely fix it by resetting it to a previous level.

    Some people had their Omni pieces magically breakthrough (I was one), without attempting to exploit. I imagine that will be fixed.

    People who obviously abused, are the ones that need to worry.
  11. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    It was a separate bug than what was on test. The glitch was console only apparently and you can't test for console bugs on PC. If anyone currently suspended doesn't get banned in January they will probably have all their gains rolled back.
  12. Harlequin Devoted Player

    What this game needs is for the dev team to tank the game's integrity to zero by ignoring exploits to attract all of the toxic mouth breathers to the game to make it a cheater's paradise. /s
  13. Cordelia Well-Known Player

    It was an obvious glitch. It wasn't something you could mistake as intentional if you've been playing the game long enough to understand how to use it as an exploit. The menu didn't just show stuff that could be used to upgrade, it also showed zero value items - including currency.

    If you didn't recognize it as a glitch, I can't understand how you are able to put clothes on in the morning or turn on a computer.

    This was not a "oh, I did it by accident" sort of thing. You had to LOOK for the way to exploit it, understand that you could exploit it, then actively take action to exploit. If you used it that way, you cheated, and you KNEW you were cheating because it was flaming obvious to anyone that it was a glitch.
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  14. Mr.W Committed Player

    It's good that you all will further review, but my question is what system or measures will you all use to tell the difference of who (meant) to do what? Yes, there were some who meant to do wrong, but what about those who didn't know was going on & don't keep up with forums?
  15. Fednigor New Player

    I just raid, alert and duo without noticing the difference, don't lie.
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  16. Tolly Committed Player

    Basically you are asking for a DCUO classic in the manner of a wow classic if I understand correctly?

    I'm generally against this idea, as it only divides a community, but considering what DCUO has become, this is probably the first game where I'd agree to this.
  17. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    When someone with a brand new forum account posts for the first time it has to be manually approved by Mepps. Meaning some people may have come to forums to plead their case but we'll never see it. :D
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  18. niehlsbohr Active Player

    When they said January they will look into what it means that they will forgive the first offender Case by case and they need time to revert the accounts manually one-at-a-time. Yeah, that's someone's job to do that. if you're cash cow, more than likely you're okay for first or second offence. Just wait and see. Another thing they might do, they don't tell you some will be unbanned case by case scenario. Either way, most spenders should be okay. Its a business after all, doing the right thing is "the right thing" only there is advantage to daybreak monetarily or marketing wise.
  19. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    Thank you for clearing that up! :)
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  20. SethZoulMonEl 10000 Post Club

    That still doesn't sound obvious to me from the perspective of someone new to the game or the system. "Okay, so some of these items don't grant me anything, but I'll use the ones that do." Not saying there wasn't more to make it obvious, but I have seen games that show everything in your inventory when you go to sell to a vendor even if some of those items have no value. What you describe isn't that different from that type of system.
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