Are stuff from Booster Bundle just a one time thing?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Dianatique, Nov 24, 2022.

  1. Dianatique Well-Known Player

    As the title says, does the booster bundle stuff sucha s Cosmic Material and Comic Material ever come back? cause I think they should, or atleast be in the booster bundle with each new booster bundle that comes out.
  2. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    Exclusive rewards only ever came back once in a special Booster Bundle earlier this year.
  3. Dianatique Well-Known Player

    So basically its all a scam, gotcha.
  4. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    I don't think it is a scam, it is just a marketing tool. I work for a marketing company and see these types of offers employed by companies from time to time. In order to move product which is limited in nature (i.e. limited time only), a certain level of hype or excitement needs to be generated for it, otherwise it is just an everyday ho-hum product or commodity.

    Bringing a previously exclusive item back for a limited time is also another way to generate hype or excitement for a rare product, for example the McDonald's McRibs, are a desirable product that is available only for a limited time that may or may not be resold again in the future.

    Booster Bundle items are treated in much the same way. If you want the product and derive some sense of enjoyment from owning it, I see no problem in buying it regardless if it is ever re-sold again at some unknown future date. It is your money to spend how you like.
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  5. K3str3lDC Dedicated Player

    Yeah, plus it's also nice for people who already have some of the stuff on one character to get the chance to get more either by buying Bundles or via the broker, at least for stuff like materials and chromas that can't be style unlocked. Also, as many people have shown before, a lot of people with these items like seeing more of them come into the world eventually and see them get used in cool new ways again, especially if the items are very old and not many people with them are still around or making use of them. Kinda like how someone who grew up with a show may be super excited seeing another generation breathe new life into it and bring it back into the cultural eye and seeing the cool fanart and stuff these new fans make. Not that every limited time item should be brought back again, but it can actually be a great thing to see some of the older ones get a revival. Limited time is not necessarily the same as exclusive, or else a lot of fast food and cafe companies, like McDonald's as you mentioned, would be in quite a bit of trouble for bringing back their seasonal flavors and items every year. Not that it's the same thing, but aside from very particular situations that make it weird, I honestly don't think it's inherently bad for an item that was released for a limited time 10 years ago to be brought back for another limited time, especially when it feeds a new batch of creativity.

    We are not owed the return of limited time items, but we're also not owed them NOT returning unless that was specifically and directly promised.
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  6. Skoll Well-Known Player

    Don’t fall prey to FOMO. The remix bundle has shown us they can and will do anything whenever they please.
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  7. Multiverse 15000 Post Club

    Yes... the Cosmic material did come back..... once ..... but it took a while.

    We got the Cosmic material May 2016;

    We did get the Cosmic Material once more in the Booster Bundle Remix last June;

    So yes.... it could come back..... but it took 6 years for the Cosmic Material to come back last time. :eek:

    Who knows if or when it will come back again????
    ...the Shadow of course. ;)
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  8. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    I think they goofed up by doing the remix bundle. They've now showed they will cave to demands made by those who either missed out, or couldn't afford secondary market items from the original releases. Why would anyone assume you need whatever the 'big' item is in the next 4 or 5 boosters, when we'll likely get another remix at some point. The difference is just a waiting game, but it's not us who are's DBG. How long will they wait if 'single' BBs don't sell as good as the remix did?

    For myself...I'm doing my part by not buying any BBs. I mean I didn't buy the remix either, but if my not buying this one helps you guys get 'remix2'....I'm happy to help.:D
  9. Ice Lynx Dedicated Player

    Well to be fair, the Remix Bundle didn't feature all the items from previous Bundles. Several OG auras were excluded.
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  10. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Yeah, but those were the ones that used the word 'exclusive' on them originally....or maybe they were released while it was SOE vs DBG...either way, going forward, I doubt anything new would be excluded from future remixes that might come out.
  11. Shasanya New Player

    Is the stuff still in game? and where can i find this bundle? it dont show up in the cashshop but i can see it at the PS Vendor in the House of Legends. So its still in game?
  12. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    The bundles themselves go away, never to return, but the contents are all tradable, so some might be holding on to them and you could get in trade chat or in the broker if you are lucky. Also, they could release the same items in a later bundle, but this has only happened 1 time so far, and even then, some items were not released.

    If you see it in the vendor in HOL, you should be able to buy it, if you have loyalty points. I haven't checked it, but it's possible they never pulled it off the listing by mistake. Generally limited time things come off Loyalty vendor and MP at the same time.