Are Atomic and Water Powers the last powers?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Lord Jareth, Sep 15, 2015.

  1. HarryHell Well-Known Player

    NO! my first arguement was that wiki doesnt require facts, i pointed out a non factual statement from ur wiki article, reason idk about editing is because i do not care, but ik how wiki works.
    Your arguement is non existing, you have nothing new to come with that makes my "arguement" invalid, this source would be invalid cos of the non factual statements.

    There are no sources listed as such, just links, he doesnt say that he uses them as sources, making this the work of 1 man (at least he is claiming it is, by not listing sources), also making it subjective, and non objective.
    However he does link some of what he is writing to other pages, in the text, but that is not a correct use of sources. In the case of what i say is BS from the text is his example of a "modern mid-range computer with new parts that match or exceed every aspect of the PS4 or XBox One", which is simply not true, his stated example does not exceed or match EVERY aspect of the PS4 or Xbox one, just look up the hardware of these consoles and compare, and you will see, but im afraid this is to hard for you to comprehend (at least you making it seem that way).
  2. Skidmarc Committed Player

    Six pages for Yes they are...until they announce more or the game ends. The end.