Arbiter of Destiny change, Gorilla needs some fixing.

Discussion in 'Testing Feedback' started by Korrupt, Jun 8, 2013.

  1. Korrupt New Player

    Arbiter of Destiny is being changed to 10 seconds while in arena. I can understand this change because healers are hard to take down while arenas, However, I think nature is being overlooked. Gorilla should take the same hit as arbiter of destiny. It either needs to be changed to a 50% supercharge with no CD or it needs to be changed so that Gorilla does not last as long.

    Please note I am a nature healer on USPC. I just think the changes should be streamlined across power sets fairly.
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  2. renzhe New Player

    Its not just Gorilla form. Ice Elemental is also another strong SC power. As I mentioned in my thread, " Oh, and meantime? The other SC form changes (Ice Elemental, Gorilla)? They just keep on trucking. How about taking a look at them as well? Why is the Sorc SC form Arbiter of Destiny the only one being focused on and changed?
  3. Yallander Loyal Player

    Yeah I'm not really getting the AOD hate tbh. It was fine as it was imo and depending on the situation better than Transcendence for small group PVP.
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  4. Zypher New Player

    Silver's right though.. its extremely hard to take down a nature healer in 5s when they're using gorilla with 2 healers. Its a 35% SC with a lengthy duration. I don't understand why they'd tack on a 20 second nerf in PvP just to arbiter. Everyone will just go back to transcendence or spec nature/elec for regeneration/invigorate. Far as I can tell, all this is doing is pissing off sorcery healers and confusing everyone else.
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  5. Elusian Crowd Control

    It would be more useful to hear from a dev what the intention of this change was.
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  6. Giggles Loyal Player

    Yeah seriously, fix all forms. I love the change to arbiter, but now you need to be fair and apply it across the board.
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  7. Tunso Developer

    Arbiter of Destiny gives nigh-infinite power, a big critical chance buff and the healing of a healer. It’s a full-tray face-roll bonanza for the duration and is generally fairly awesome. It’s fun offensively but it’s really a support power and a fairly amazing one.

    The 30 second duration was tuned primarily with PvE in mind. In PvP it means 30 seconds of team wide near-god mode. 30 seconds is way too long for something you can immediately reuse a second time. The 10 second duration puts it in the same ballpark as Transcendence and Regeneration, which both provide huge amounts of healing for 9 seconds.

    Gorilla Form is completely different ability and not comparable. It gives you a small health increase, lets you weaponize, small damage buff and lets you heal like a healer. It’s most useful for a healer that needs to do some emergency damage without sacrificing their healing. However, you are still at the full mercy of your power bar.
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  8. Penryn The Gadgeteer

    I think the main issue people have with Gorilla form is that a healer can use it to turn the tables against a controller. Controllers will not receive a confidence boost against a healer in Gorilla form.

    I always dread fighting Nature healers that know how to make good use of the Gorilla form.
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  9. Tunso Developer

    All roles should be getting the proper confidence damage buff regardless of form use now.
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  10. Yallander Loyal Player

    I'm all for balance in PVP, but making such a big change to duration like this should at least merit a reduction in SC cost. At this point in competitive PVP Sorc doesn't really have an equitable SC to nature or elec. Transcendence keeps you locked in place for the duration preventing the player from providing anything other than healing. Regeneration and Invigorate can both be clipped after a brief 1-2 sec of animation with another power. Because of this AOD was the go to SC for sorc so they could heal AND provide continued actions benefiting the team. Cutting it the way it is should IMO at least merit a 25% SC cost as the player STILL has to use powers to provide heals and damage. The healing isn't instant like with Trans, Regen, or Invigorate.

    IDK, just my 2 cents. Sorc never fit my style of healing, however I do know how hard it is to heal in competitive levels and such a change is going to reduce the number of sorc healers at that level.
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  11. Brice Allen Loyal Player

    I think 25% is too little of a cost but 35% however is perfect. I think that would be the perfect balance for AoD with a 10 second length.
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  12. Brice Allen Loyal Player

    All hail Tunso.
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  13. Yallander Loyal Player

    Yeah that wouldn't be so bad either considering the infinite power part.

    Off topic, love the sig pics, but did I miss school picture day? :)
  14. Brice Allen Loyal Player

    I about missed it. Fox just got bored Saturday and was running around taking pictures of everyone that was on and would respond to his harassment of "LET ME TAKE YOUR PIC!!!". lol. Just hit Fox up and tell him to take your pic. He can add you in beside me. We also need to get a pic of Bobburt. I'll make the proper edits after Fox sends me the pic.
    Back on topic and back to the bird of destiny we go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  15. Tunso Developer

    Checking back real quick on this. I found a case where this still wouldn't have been true and made sure that got fixed as well.
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  16. Sore Steadfast Player

    Good job. Check Wolf form as well. That's been skipping the confidence boost as of my last test with a controller in duels.
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  17. renzhe New Player

    Have you played Sorcery enough? Your analysis / comparison makes no sense. Too technical (10secs AOD form versus 10 secs Transcendence / Regeneration):
    1) For all the pluses that Arbiter of Destiny (AOD) gives, the one and major drawback is that in AOD, you are completely and utterly defenseless:
    -> In 1v1s, defense / toughness effectively becomes ZERO, because one can only block or dodge. Thus, it is only safe to use against new Pvp players. One can block weapon attacks, gain immunity, while casting heals or attacks. Or dodge roll
    -> Against anyone else who knows the weakness of AOD in 1v1s, AOD is dangerous to use. Dodge? Eat a lunge. Block? Eat a BB. Especially against MA users, who can use the Range combos for BB and stun effect, and clip that power attacks. Against those people, you spend more time breaking out rather than casting heals / attacks.
    -> Implication : Reducing time duration of AOD form to 1/3, effectively makes it useless in 1v1 (against experienced Pvpers).
    2) In team matches,
    -> If in a pre-made, versus other pre-mades, AOD is bad.
    -> General speaking, Healers are usually the main primary focus targets. So if you use AOD, in the wrong situation, you can and will go down fast. All that 30 secs of nigh-infinite power, big heals is useless if 2 or more ppl are focusing on you with weapon stun combos or CC effect powers. The only safe time to use AOD, is if you stay hidden in a crowd of your own players, safe from BBs at ground level (unless someone BBs you from above). Thus, using AOD as a healer will in certain situations, put more strain on your team.
    -> Implication : Reducing time duration of AOD form to 1/3, effectively makes it a risky option in team matches, with no real upside.
    -> For Transcendence, all one needs is an opening to cast it without being interrupted. Then its 10secs of near individual invulnerability (due to massively out-healing all incoming damage) and 10secs of continuous healing over time for the team plus minor power over time for the team.
    -> Against AOD, where you will almost never be casting heals for the full duration. You will be blocking or dodge rolling around half the time (15secs). With the change, effectively, in AOD (10secs), you can cast heals only for 5 secs and the other 5 secs is spent blocking or dodge rolling.
    3) If in a non-premade, where you are going solo for example, it becomes a personal choice whether to go with Transcendence or AOD. But with AOD being only 10secs, it becomes far too risky to use versus Transcendence, with no real upside. Catch that one chance to use it, and Transcendence grants 10secs of near individual invulnerability. Also,
    -> anyone continuing their attacks on you while in Transcendence form, wastes time and power.
    -> anyone switching focus from another healer to you wastes time and power.
    Its relatively easy to hide in the background and cast Transcendence. Versus AOD. Once you cast it, in a team match (and especially in a death-match format), everyone immediately switches off onto you. Instant aggro for the duration of the match. Its like "OH, there you are Healer! xD"

    As for saying that in Gorilla form, one is at the mercy of their power bar? Thats wrong. Your power bar is at the mercy of trollers in your team. If if no troller is available, you have the option of Supply drop / sidekick. No power? With Home Turf, its a non-issue.
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  18. renzhe New Player

    35% SC change? Wrong.
    -> Instead of being strictly a Pvp change (trying to balance AOD in Pvp versus other Healer SC in Pvp), tinkering the SC cost effectively impacts Pve.
    -> When Pve comes in, cue the other people who only Pve and Heal.
    -> Cue nerf calls to AOD.
    -> AOD then gets another nerf. Effectively becoming double nerfed (Pve and Pvp).

    So, to keep it to Pvp, the thing to tinker is the time duration of the form change. 30 secs too long? 10 secs is way too short. 20 secs is fair. That means in AOD form, you only heal effectively for 10 secs, while spending the other 10 secs blocking, or dodging or getting stunned / juggled / CCed / focused.
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  19. Korrupt New Player

    Tunso, Spytle:

    I am a nature healer and I see the fact that Gorilla form in its current state being a 35% SC is over powered.

    It needs to be changed to a 50% CD. Period. There are nature healers basically living in Gorilla form.

    You really think power is an issue? Two trollers will power a nature healer endlessly. You just put a target on sorcery healers back by nerfing arbiter. This will just lead to large influx of nature healers. Seriously, do some justice to everyone and makes things even. Gorilla needs to be a 50% SC.

    Please note again, I have been a nature healer for over a year now.

    Don't be blinded and think this through.
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  20. Korrupt New Player

    Tunso, Spytle:

    A lot of people agree with me with that's it's pretty broken.

    Please reconsider changing gorilla to a 50%.

    It's needed.