Anyone know where the "Right Facing Industrial Security Camera" Drops?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by NCR RANGER, Feb 15, 2013.

  1. NCR RANGER New Player

    I'd love to get the right facing one to match my left facing one.

    I've only seen it in the broker once.
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  2. Booster New Player

    I've seen a few in the broker . I don't know where it drops but I did notice that the cameras face the opposite way their names indicate. At least to whoever is pretend operating them.
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  3. Tocimus Committed Player

    its from completing one of the briefing/investigation/collections. there was a guide on the old forums.
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  4. Propel New Player

    I just got one in a weekly box from a raid.
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  5. BatDubb New Player

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  6. PainMakesMePurrr Active Player

    Left-facing : Reward for completing the "Corrections Officer's Report" ( investigation )

    Right-facing : Random spawn out of those "orange boxes" loots.
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  7. NCR RANGER New Player

    No t
    That is the left facing industrial security camera, i'm talking about the right facing one.

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