Anyone Else Having EVADE/Spawning Issues?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Tabby Belle, Mar 26, 2020.

  1. Tabby Belle Well-Known Player

    So after today's restart, in three of the Dark Multiverse raid runs I've been in, the group would have to disband and restart the whole instance. This is because some of the enemies in the portal area would just start not being able to be KO'd, always having "EVADE" pop up when attacked. This makes it so we can't move on to the next card hand, and we can't "Warp to Rally" to reset it, because we're still considered as in combat.

    I've also run into enemies in the hallway after the Theater Fight with Batgirl, Catwoman, Huntress, Red Robin, etc. in the Batscape duo. This ends up making it so that the doors to the concession area of the theater don't open, and we can't continue the instance. So far, both times its happened, we solved by the "Warp to Rally" method.

    Anyone else having these issues today/tonight? I want to know before I post in the bug forum that it isn't just something happening on my end.
  2. Rainnifer Committed Player

    I honestly kind of want the whole "Evade" thing to be removed. I understand it's for if enemies get stuck somewhere they can't be reached or something but many times it has unintended issues. The ARC robot boss in the Metal 1 alert quickly became my most hated boss in the game, due to being annoying overall and too many times it would lunge so far across the room and end up behind something and then "Evade" would come and all his health is back. Sometimes with other bosses the Evade just randomly happens and we basically have to restart the whole fight.
    I don't think I've come across any moments where the enemy is just stuck in Evade, it usually ends after a little while, but I can see how that might happen.
  3. 9001BPM Steadfast Player

    I think it was mentioned when brought up in regards to the Doomsday open world boss who was doing it a lot, that the behaviour is hardcoded into the NPC AI and can’t be completely removed. :(