Any Hero gonna play Villain when feats are shareable?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Liongale, Feb 7, 2014.

  1. Liongale Dedicated Player

    I've got a villain at level 30, but he's at a dismal 40-ish skill points. With the advent of sharing feats, I think I'm finally going to play him some. Makeover! Give him a better name, look, outfit, oh yeah. Gonna have fun. Yeah I will have to get gear, but it's going be playing for fun and marks, instead of worrying about feats.

    Anyone else feeling a little villainous? I hope the villains don't mind if there's an influx of players asking where things are in the Hall of Doom, hehe.
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  2. WhoNeedsSP New Player

    You can't buy hero specific feats so what's the point?
    I have a villain with 34 skill points. Just beat wave and got the 1000 breakout feat while I was in there.
  3. bareheiny 10000 Post Club

    Most feats aren't faction specific...
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  4. WhoNeedsSP New Player

    Yeah but you'd still have to grind for the faction specific ones. Isn't this why people wanted account bound feats? So they don't have to grind...
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  5. Ice Lantern New Player

    I thought about it but I'd still have to gear up and there are quite a few faction-specific feats I wouldn't get to buy out. But the real issue for me is that villains have a much lower population, making things harder to pug and gear up.
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  6. bareheiny 10000 Post Club

    How many faction specific feats are there?

    I've got a hero with a little over a hundred SPs, a bunch of heroes with around 50 to 70, and villains with around 70....combined I should be good on either faction :D
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  7. WhoNeedsSP New Player

    Pugs are easier. You get competent players.
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  8. Ice Lantern New Player

    I've heard that as well but when you need to gear up, quantity MIGHT be better than quality. Regardless, I wouldn't put a significant amount of effort into a villain unless I already had a league lined up.
  9. cravex15 Dedicated Player

    I can't wait to share feats between my T5 hero and villain.
    Stuff like…...

    Quick Crags - I got on my Hero but not my Villain
    Leader of the Pride - I got on my Villain but not my Hero
    Chaste Chase - Got on my Villain but not my Hero
    And Epic Odeessy - Got on my Hero but not my Villain
    Stay Awake - Got on my Villain but not my Hero
    Highway to Hell - Got on my Villain but not my Hero
    Crazy Fast - Got on my Hero but not my Villain

    Those are just to name a few.
    There are a ton more Im just waiting to unlock for both of them.
    Feats I never want to do again.
    Im so glad I only have to worry about getting these feats once.
    This is the best update they have ever decided on.
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  10. Vinny Tireshine New Player

    It's not as bad as I thought it was going to be, up to tier 3 so far with no real problems pugging. From what I understand the low tier content is supposed to be the hard stuff to find pugs for.
  11. Ice Lantern New Player

    Is this not hero-specific?
  12. Valsmurf Loyal Player

    nope, villains also go into the oblivin bar as well. we're also trying to stop brainiac so we help Circe get rid of him and we betray WW in the instance. In short, no, us villains also get that feat :)
  13. Nimhe New Player

    Pfffft, get real. The Hall of Doom is much easier to navigate than that maze you Heroes call the Watchtower.
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  14. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    Umm...i don't know what you're smoking, but the Hall of Doom is much more confusing to navigate compared to the much more traditional layout of the Watchtower.
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  15. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    Yes sir indeed. I have a cr103 Fire Tank villain that I'm itching to bring out of retirement thanks to purchasable feat points. I grinder out 5 heroes and just couldn't bring myself to grind out that many feats yet again...especially on the villain side where I'd have no friends or league to help out.
  16. CarlynnCarnage 10000 Post Club

    Yes... YES!!! Come to the dark side!!!!!!

    MUAH HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!!!!!!!!
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  17. Liongale Dedicated Player

    I want to give this post 100 +'s
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  18. Notangie New Player

    Yes, I want cookies.
    • Like x 1
  19. Ice Lantern New Player

    Oh ok, thanks, good to know.
  20. Deltaheat Well-Known Player

    Yes, now I won't have to bum instances for the other 2 mentors. 5000 paradox reapers, Toyman, on and on. I already have both factions going so I'm very happy about this new change.


    P.S. The circular HoD is way easier to navigate IMO.