Another Bugged Bounty Hunter Feat thread...

Discussion in 'Old Arkham (Bug Archive)' started by HarleyQueen, Mar 7, 2015.

  1. HarleyQueen Well-Known Player

    Yes... Another Bounty Hunter Feat thread....
    I saw people had problems with Killer Frost, Clayface, Avatar of Sin...
    Well mine is about Solomon Grundy. Let`s beggin my story, shall we?

    A long time ago, I had to do bounties to get those costume parts that they give you 1st time you do them. So I team up with my friends and did all of them. After a while, while searching what feats I should do, I noticed that Bounty Hunter feat, which is under General category, is not completed. I said, "Why? I had done all the bounties with my friends so this should be already finished!!!". So I took a closer look at what bounties I haven`t completed and the only one that wasn`t completed was Solomon Grundy. So I said, "Ok let`s take Solomon Grundy down and complete this feat!!!".
    I went to Gotham, I`ve defeated Solomon with a guy who was CR 100+. Solomon dead, mission completed (I could be able to get the Cash and mark), feat no where to be found.
    Another day, I soloed Solomon and (after few tries) I could be able to defeat him all alone. Again, mission completed, no feat count.
    After this, I through "Hey maybe I don`t get the feat because I don`t have the poster". So I went to Est End Police Station, took the poster mission, back again to Solomon, soloed him, mission completed AND AGAIN NO FEAT COUNT.

    Conclusion? (if you want to skip all this talking)
    After I defeated him alone, after I defeated him with help (friends or not), after I took the poster mission from the police station and soloed him again, I couldn`t get the freaking feat. It is so annoying!!!

    There are so many guys out there who experience the same problem but with different bosses and they make threads about this bug and we are at GU 45 and this freaking bug is still not solved!!!

    Yea I know, you guys, probably will say "Hey make a support ticket and they will resolve the problem". Then my question for you guys is: "If I make 20 characters and I experience same bug on all of them, I should make 20 support tickets so they can solve my problem?"