Anomaly gear

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Black Hole, May 10, 2013.

  1. Black Hole New Player

    When i highlight it shows all green stats. When i put it on my stats in the stats tab go down. Am i doing something wrong or are others experiencing this?
  2. Hateyou New Player

    Is ur other gear modded?
  3. Aiden Warren New Player

    Just the Mod stats go down. But an increase from the base stats. So if you mod that gear you get an increase.
  4. Black Hole New Player

    Yes. With IV mods.
  5. Breedin Bull New Player

    Yeah, it is showing you the increase over your gear had it been unmodded.
  6. hoaxone Committed Player

    Well something is wrong on ur end.if uve gotten the mods from a friend via a trade and then modded ur new pieces.if u don't relog u won't get the bonuses from the mods.that's only thing I can think of.
  7. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    When you highlight a new piece of gear it only shows the differences of the base stats of the gear you're wearing at the moment, it doesn't take into account the mod on the piece of gear, you'll have to do that little bit of math yourself.