Announcing Legends PvE!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Spytle, Nov 6, 2014.

  1. Frixos New Player

    Aw man... I was expecting this to be more like patrol the city and do events that occur in the city (bank robberies, fight villains etc). This is what I wanted from DCUO ever since its release. I mean who doesn't want to patrol Gotham as Batman or fly around Metropolis as Superman? Is there a chance we'll get something like this in the future? Don't get me wrong I still think Legends PvE is a huge step forward but it has a lot of potential for improvement other than playing the same alerts as the ones I've been playing for 3 years with my character.
  2. FaLeX Dedicated Player

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  3. BigAl Devoted Player

    I imagine groups with both Bats and Fate, one for power return and the other for group buff. :)

    I have almost all the Legends currently on my main (the exception being the three I never would use or have any feats attached to them). Definitely would want a different sink for those MoL; skins would work.
  4. Miggly Committed Player

    Will it only be alerts or can we hope to see duo's and raids go Legends?
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  5. Zeikial Committed Player

    Glad to see all legends characters will be unlockable in the vendor, that's awesome!
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  6. MrMigraine Devoted Player

    I like the way you think!

    Of course, if we're going to min/max, we should add Robin in there too for the Dynamic Duo buff.

    So who is our fourth? Wonder Woman tanking?
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  7. Zenith Well-Known Player

    Almost time for Harvey Dent to return to his old stomping ground and teach those attorneys a thing or two.
    Plus, Steel and Harley Vs The Supreme Justice, it's hammer time!

    Gonna be fun. :cool:
  8. Benn 10 Committed Player

    Thank you for clearing that up.
  9. Black Eon New Player

    Having played the Iconic Anomalies and the Visions in PvE, the idea that our Legends collections can be used for PvE and benefit PvP is sweet. I like the idea of playing as John Stewart, Sinestro, or Hal Jordan, to name a few examples, in PvE. It sounds like this will be great fun, and a welcome chance to master Legends abilities.
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  10. Grand Shaw Loyal Player

    I look forward to this, maybe I can start using Superman and Power Girl again, because Legends PVP isn't working out with Kryptonians. Plus, it makes sense to beat a Brainiac instance with a member of the Super Family.
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  11. bigsmooth14 New Player

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  12. Will Power Loyal Player

    I would prefer the Dev Expand Tokens of Merit Feats.
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  13. Nuubia Well-Known Player

    Thank you! This is great news. Only makes subbing that MUCH more of a value than it already is!
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  14. Will Power Loyal Player

    So this is going to be like Seasonal Event where everyone can play it wont be tied to a CR or anything like that right?
  15. BumblingB I got better.

    And once you get that cap? Ask again? I'm down for more ToM feats, but that wont be raised that often, while something you can submit for Prestige at least can help your entire league. Especially if you are in a small semi active league.
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  16. Will Power Loyal Player

    BB what about tying Tokens of Merit to Dueling if said player beats you they have a right to win a Token of Merit from you?
  17. Dene Devoted Player

    for all the discussion in the other thread, i am happy it was cleared up and everyone can get these done without having to buy things they normally wouldn't :)
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  18. Prodigy Progeny Dedicated Player

    I love the idea of legends PVE & have been hoping/waiting for something like this to come to DCUO for a long time. Sounds like a lot of fun IMO. Thumbs up from me DEVS.
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  19. Pingvinozavr Dedicated Player

    Great news.
    Maybe add base items on top of that?
  20. Will Power Loyal Player

    We already had some it was the T5 and T6 Challenges. However I'm glad everyone will be able to play unlike SM how that is only geared to the Top Tier players.