Announcing Episode 19: "The Demon's Plan" and "Deep Desires"

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Nov 12, 2015.

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  1. Kreachure Committed Player

    1234 loadouts are boring... :(
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  2. Adam Mind New Player

    what are u askng for here? 1234 is boring? so remap too TZDG and have fun DanceDancing on your keyboard..its an mmo
  3. KEN_Oracle_of_Delphi Well-Known Player

    That's why I don't do affinity mods, too much work and it all goes down the drain once new content comes out immediately after u get all set up. So I skip those mods.
  4. KEN_Oracle_of_Delphi Well-Known Player

    And could you please change the aweful drop rates, ESPECIALLY when it concerns spending an hour to defeat a raid boss !!!
  5. Kreachure Committed Player

    Was I asking for something?
  6. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    sadly I agree b/c earth, electric and sorcery, needing to use weapons will never be on-par even after these future updates. Due to they use weapons and other powers dont. There other powers can get their dmg off faster and end up dealing more dmg quicker then the 3 powers I listed and probably others powers Im just forgetting.
  7. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    yea they are but they are the only form or rotations anymore, and it doesnt seem like AMs are going anywhere so why not do something for the 1s that are actually having to rely on weapons still. So they become easier to balance then what they currently are?
  8. Adam Mind New Player

    alright now i know im outa touch, wen u say 1234 loadouts, what do you mean? becuz thats how the game's worked since beta..
    and this is starting too sound like weapons are going too be relegated too a block breaker only backseat since powers are now doing everythng in combat for you now..
    next gu - no more weapons. smells like wow :/
  9. Kreachure Committed Player

    For certain powers. I'll explain below.

    No. This game was ahead of it's time when it came out. The fast paced combat was unlike a lot of MMO's at the time. Now it's been dumbed down to the same repetitive loadouts.
    Sadly, yes.
    What it means is;
    Use 4 powers in the same order, everyone has the same cookie cutter loadout, etc. e.g. Quantum, Mental, Munitions, Atomic,
    Ice and Fire use 123444 123444 etc, etc.
    Gadgets is pretty much 1234, besides the different PI's for buffing your EMP.
    Rage and celestial are a little more entertaining because you need to know how to clip the powers.
    Hard light is meh. Needs buff but I worry it'll be stuck with the simple 1234.

    Nature and Electricity are just plain fun to use because you can use multiple loadouts/weapons/rotations and still put out as much damage as possible. Which is a shame because they're not on par with the 1234 AM powers.
    Nature has an almost similar mechanic as the other 1234's but it's kinda poop when you figure out that you can do so much more damage basically creating your own loadout. Which is how the powers should be.

    Sorcery and Earth are pet powers, you rely on your weapon and your ability to keep your pet powered up as much as possible. In between that you can also have multiple loadouts for different boss fights or situations that still deal maximum damage.

    Don't give the last 4 powers mentioned any kind of repetitive cookie cutter loadout. They're fine the way they are. Some may need buffs, we all know that... But making everyone have the same loadout isn't a solution
    Making every power basically do the same thing takes out the friendly (or sadly, in some cases, non-friendly) competition when it comes to DPS. Then pushes people to only rely on Mods and gear be "the best".
    No skill necessary to actually be able to use a power isn't really that fun when everyone ends up being the same as you regardless of their power.
    In my opinion as long as the run gets finished I don't really care who's top DPS, but hey... This is an MMO.

    Anyway, we're in the wrong thread for this discussion. Just thought I'd throw that out there. :p
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  10. Hector Danger Well-Known Player

    Lol @ your chat tabs:D
  11. Adam Mind New Player

    theirs always a cookie cutter involved when u use skill tree based combat wasnt better in the begining, everyone was just nub and trying everythng. ur askn for a whole new revamp of the mechanics .-.
    im done in this thread lol.
  12. BENNY BLANCO New Player

    I dislike the fact, that time after time new content is add to the game, but nothing is done address the lingering problems for players that have played the game for years can't have a piece of mine, by knowing they have a chance to complete all feats. Again, I'm talking about the Avatar Bombardier style worth 50 feat points. What those it cause for the creators to add it to PVP style vender. Please.

    Thank you for you time.
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