Dev Discussion Anniversary Event Rewards

Discussion in 'Concluded' started by spord, Jan 4, 2017.

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  1. Korlick Loyal Player

    Just one more extra crown for having the "Divine" feat? lame.
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  2. Khaoy New Player

    I planned to play until the open episodes ended, but the anniversary event (raid and open events) raid is so boring that I gave up yesterday I did not finish, yesterday I left the raid in half, and open episodes for players with money cap really are painfull we can't have money to buy lots of soder cola (and repair ) only to waste on a open world events with extreme high damage mobs, really tedious, today I did not even logged to play and I think of deleting dcuo again ...
  3. IamINC Dedicated Player

    Buddy , you aint the only one that's said the same thing since this stuff came out sadly.
  4. Claux New Player

    Is there a reason as a legendary member, i am only getting 3 stabilizer fragments for clearing the event when i should be getting 6 like it says?
  5. tioalbert Well-Known Player

    No estoy seguro si este es el lugar pero ay les va mis sugerencias dcuo

    Sugerencias a futuro para dcuo.

    1- mostrar cantidad de skillpoints de un jugador a otros.

    2- limiten la cantidad de skillpoints obtenidos de capsulas temporales al mismo que sacan en cada evento de temporada.

    3- eliminen la caida de basura que se obtiene al eliminar enemigos de instancias y misiones. Mejor sustituyanlas por diversidad de materiales nesesarios para creacion de planos de mods, aparencias o baratijas.

    4- coloquen skillpoints( sin importar como los use el jugador) requeridos para instancias elites junto.

    4.1- para instancias elite coloquen requerido tener
    Las 10piezas con mods (con bonificacion activada).

    5- incrementen los atributos de las piezas elite, con cierta diferencia entre comun(verde), rara, epica,etc.

    Las 3 mas dificiles aun que sean inferior en nivel a las que den en el siguiente episodio sus atributos deveran ser superior a la obtenida por el vendedor o dropeo( caida de pieza comun).
    A pocas palabras las piezas obtenidas de instancias elite de un episodio solo seran superadas por las piezas elite del siguiente episodio.

    4.2- den cierta cantidad de suerte individual basados en proezas.
    Que es la suerte?
    Pues la variedad y cantidad de objetos que te dan los subjefes y jefes en una instancia. ( y no objetos basura si no utiles para planos o piezas o estilos que no caen con normalidad)

    4.3- el 100% de suerte absoluta sobre instancia solo sera obtenida si obtienen todas las proezas de dicho episodio y solo sobre ese episodio, ejemplo.

    Tienen todas las proezas de guerra de la luz parte1 obtiene el 100% de suerte sobre episodio guerra de la luz parte 1. No sobre otros pasados o futuros episodios.

    4.4 suerte al 100% en jugadores free o premium, solo si obtienen todas las proezas de solitario, duos, alertas, asaltos, exploracion, general consumibles( osea los 32mil simbolos meritos) y general tour exploration.
    (Obio la cuestion es que si no tienen nada de lo requerido es =0% suerte tal y como esta el juego actualmente en caidas de instancias, por cada proeza requerida incrementa cierto% de suerte.

    Ya para finalisar el alcanse del 100% suerte que trae de atractivo en general fuera de instancias(opciones);
    ● en caja prometeo y de temporada relacionadas al episodio eleccion libre de 1 aura o estilo o planos disponibles en dichas cajas, ojo solo si tienen todas las proezas de dicho episodio que es como se obtiene el 100% de suerte y no tiene efecto sobre episodios pasados o futuros solo existe un 100% de suerte por cada episodio de forma independiente.

    ■tambien esto incrementa cantidad de ramos de materiales necesarios para creacion de planos, y cuando digo ramos no solo digo ramos de exobite si no tambien de materiales necesarios para creacion de planos relacionados a baratijas y armaduras.

    Y ay para mas, pero ya se me olvido suerte equipo de dcuo en digerir esto.
  6. Aerith Rose Committed Player

    Please please allow the option to buy the gear style for less marks. This event is to expensive with the gear costs the way they are. I understand why the gear is expensive but we should be able to buy the style cheaper.
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  7. Pale Rage Dedicated Player

    @Devs: let's discuss.
    The longevity of DCUO is dependant upon "Customer Satisfaction." As of lately, that has greatly decreased, and for a number of reasons.

    1. Legendary Rewards. The faithful players who've financially supported the game for years, have very frequently make remarks about how they are displeased with the Legendary rewards. 1 Raid reset a month, 500 loyalty points (equal to $5), and unlimited cash, with daily vault visits: hardly noble, especially when the anniversary event not only is completely open, but is a sort of slap in the face to the Legendary population. This is why many people unsub and stick with premium membership. Its hardly worth it.

    2. Stabilizers. Let's face it, the drop rate for the rare items is so unquestionably horrid, that there are many people who have decided to not buy those anymore, because of the pathetic drop rate of the rare items. Not that rare should drop frequently, otherwise they would not be rare. But after opening hundreds of TC's, it is exected as customer satisfaction, that they get the rare items.

    3. The stats revamp: This is a crucial turning point for the game. This revamp is literally going to ensure the longevity of the game, or be its imminent eschaton. Player feedback, and the implimentation of that feedback, is a HUGE part of the future satisfaction of the paying customers of this game. There are many who prefer the pre-GU36 playstyle, and yet so many that prefer the WM and AM style. To completely change play, is a very thin piece of ice, that can either be greatly strengthened, or broken quickly.

    4. Feats: a must in the game for character strength, even with the CR differential implimented, the crits alone are a must on every stule of character, dependant upon role for what crits to obtain. Yet, I cannot help but think a variance needs be made with things, for example, like styles. There is a gentleman in my league, that for months has played a duo in attempt to finish a style feat, that has not been finished. The item that he needs, seems impossible, even after months of running the same content, with NO reward at all, because his CR is too high for a reward, and with no drop on the style, its worthless to continue. Perhaps a vender, CR related, that sells that the older styles for feats, at a modest cost, so that the new content is still run continually.

    DC Devs have done a better job, at listening to feedback recently, and in the past a few times were quite notable at player feedback. However, at this crucial point in development, the devs must consider feedback more than ever. Aside from the slap in the face with the anniverary event, aside from the pathetic drop rate in stabilizers, aside from the questionable benefits of legendary: this revamp is quite likely the largest turning point this game has ever made. Please devs, tread carefully and with a intent ear.
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  8. tehDarkNite Well-Known Player

    Can you add the styles to the vendor cheaper and separate from the gear - or make the gear cheaper - I just want the style

    I got lots of alts - it literally takes a whole day for me to do dailies with all of them
  9. King Smoker Well-Known Player

    i would like to see a rewording on the speed feat for the event so it tells you at what time the time starts like it starts when the first add dies or then the group enter the instance etcs.
  10. Lord Saren Active Player

    has anyone else other than me just not even willing to try for the new gear since it's already worse than what i'm already wearing?? in still going for all the ancient coins lol
  11. p3rf3ctxxxdark Well-Known Player

    Well one bug was the qwardian henchman not being tradable before so i collected it and then the next day you guys make it tradable is there any way that you can make it so my henchman are not integrated anymore because I would have preferred to sell them if they were tradable to begin with
  12. Kayla El Committed Player

    After completing the "Particle Powered" feat you get more marks "Qwardian Crowns" only from the instance or from the solo / weekly missions as well?

    Edit: Saw the question was already answered and it's just 1 extra crown only from the instance this is truly embarrassing.
    • Like x 2
  13. tehDarkNite Well-Known Player

    Is there anychance to add replays and add the intro back as a daily or even weekly ?

    I only have a lot of time to play on the weekend
  14. p3rf3ctxxxdark Well-Known Player

    Well one bug was the qwardian henchman not being tradable before so i collected it and then the next day you guys make it tradable is there any way that you can make it so my henchman are not integrated anymore because I would have preferred to sell them if they were tradable to begin with
  15. loupblanc Dedicated Player

    By the way, does anyone feel that the drop rate for Relics of Blue Hope collection pieces from the Centennial Collapse raid has suddenly gone down?

    Or is it just me?
  16. 1 ncmike Dedicated Player

    To me the whole "event" just feels wrong it doesn't feel like a celebration at all it just feels like a cash grab from the way the vendor gear is priced . This is supposed to be an Anniversary event its been sold as a gift to the community there's no real justification for the vendor prices to be as high as they are in an event that won't even be up for a full month.
  17. DBGoda New Player

    I'm worried that the vendor gear cannot be completed. I ran it daily on 3 characters and I have 75 marks/character now. We are at 1/3 of the Month. Plus the marks for buying the collections. Maybe it's a good idea to make the gear account bound? I'm not going to reset because I have the feeling I need to save for next DLC. How we can complete the gear and collections? I feel allot of pressure now a days to complete everything
  18. Kayla El Committed Player

    You can't complete the gear without replaying the instance and you cannot trade any pieces of gear not even between your characters.
  19. Mighty Hyperion Committed Player

    Not really getting a celebration feel at all (or fun at that really) from the event. It has the feel of a vacation where you work the whole time.
    I like the new gear and all that but the price of items and the drag of an instance sort of kills the festive feel of what an anniversary event should be.
    I must honestly say (for those who remember), The one year cape, even the cake and fireworks items felt like more of a reward than the ability to painstakingly re-run a long, slow seemingly reward free boss fight.

    But like always I'll do it :)
    • Like x 3
  20. Korlick Loyal Player

    The answer is Replay Badges for the event, and Stabilizers from the MarketPlace for the Capsules.
    Or you can wait until the event returns next year (IF...) and get it then...but...youre gonna have to decided if you finnish what you already started, or try to finnish the new stuff added.
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