And Just like that GU 41 is ruined

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Seismicfesr, Oct 9, 2014.

  1. Stitch Well-Known Player

    Then why didn't you guys have reduced MoV payouts for lair battles in the actual update and not as an afterthought? It's not like lair battles somehow suddenly became quick matches.
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  2. DialH New Player

    Now that lair battles give next to nothing a couple things should happen.

    Keep 1v1 and 2v2 lair battles up at all times on both arenas and legends regardless of what other 1v1 or 2v2 maps are up.

    Immediately grant all feats associated with lair wins or reduce the counters by half at each level or double the feat points for each level of wins.
  3. Twisted Titan Committed Player

    The time in which it takes someone/a group to run content in order to receive marks is in question here, yes?

    Then if it takes you 20 mins to run one raid and you get 8-12 Marks of Fury, would you run that raid again to get more marks faster OR would you go try Lockdown which could take you 45+ mins and get the same amount of marks?

    I don't want to get off topic tho. My main complaint is that I don't want lair battles to seem like they are hurting the PvP Season 3 progression because they are quicker.
  4. Mint Stiletto Loyal Player

    I have just one more thing I'd like to say. They say this is partly to get people into other arenas. But you do this after the premades that pugstomp people in 4s 5s and 8s have fully geared up?
    I know even a fully geared pug stands a very small chance against them anyway. But being geared will give them more confidence and make them more likely to try.
    That is all, have fun for the rest of this thread ;)
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  5. Xeromaus New Player

    Small change: Delete 1v1 and 2v2 and grant feats to all players. There's no reason to run em after they get done with their "adjustments".
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  6. BumblingB I got better.

    Awesome! You are focusing on a small group of individuals again and not listening to the whole. We have been down this road again and again. This hurts EVERYONE. If you only focus on the players that want to only do PvP, then there will be LESS players running the content. Queue times will be back to what it was before this update, because people are running the content for the missing safehouse feats and the new gear. All those hardcore PvPers that you want to listen to, aren't playing anymore. The few that are left are abusing the stun options and pug stomping the new players that "may" want to PvP.

    So in the end, ghost town.

    Why don't you just kill PvP altogether. That would make it easier for you guys, because then you don't have to ruin PvE for everyone.
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  7. Magnificent Loyal Player

    But that's the crux of the problem. People were able to rush through them so fast that they accrued Marks much faster than intended (thus we have so many folks with full Season 3 gear now). The reward for the time investment was far out of kilter on those matches whether it was from the style of match (killfest vs nodes), groups farming with each other or some combination of both. Considering the problem, their only other option would have been to tinker with point values to make the matches last longer (which would have screwed people not farming Marks).
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  8. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    It has been an issue pretty much since lair battles came out. Also it's an mmo, when ever an update hits live, there's bound to be issues, things that may have been left out, etc.

    That would be correct.

    Having a game mode that favors gearing up so quickly attracts people to it, leading to less players playing other maps. Which slows down the queue process for people who enjoy other the other maps, leads to a less diversified community, and may discourage players from trying out other maps that they may actually find out they really like.

    Also as I've made clear in other conversations and threads, but not in ours, I'd prefer if the costs of gear were lowered to make the grind less like a chore, a little more rewarding, and leaving less of a sour taste in other people's mouths.

    He did say they are considering feedback in other threads such as the one I made that suggest altering the rewards amounts for all types of matches.
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  9. Twisted Titan Committed Player

    You edited your comment to include this portion so I wanted to address it:

    I agree that the system could use some changing/adjusting. That is something the devs continue to mess with each year as it's a difficult balance. In this we are in agreement.

    Again, lair battles being fast isn't news and I doubt every person who maxed out their gear just did lair battles to get there. There was no uproar prior to the patch and now there is. Will everyone adjust? Of course but it doesn't mean everyone has to like it right away.
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  10. Seismicfesr Dedicated Player

    Sorry but thats straight and utter ******** then has it always given the same rewards as all the other maps since its release! Your catering to a select few. Catering to hardcore pvpers who guess what are already full Hush or Nightwing and now that they have their gear screw everyone else!
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  11. Xeromaus New Player

    That's not fixing the issue, it's just shifting it to higher player count content....aka ruining more peoples games at once.
  12. Twisted Titan Committed Player

    This wasn't an issue before is what I am saying. People played lair battles before to gear up. i didn't her a lot of these complaints then.
  13. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    Those matches take far longer to complete. Say your average king of the hill type map takes about 4-5 minutes to complete. However, when played in a larger map, it takes twice as long and requires more team effort. Consequently those matches should have a greater reward for the winning team to reflect that.
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  14. DialH New Player

    This is a nice idea but we're only allowed to have changes that hurt and stifle the community, not help us.
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  15. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    Take into account arenas was also pretty dead before this update as well. There wasn't too much to talk about.
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  16. Twisted Titan Committed Player

    Again, one of my other suggestions was to leave lair battles off of the rotation at the start of the new PvP season. At least for a few weeks. I would have been fine with that because I know that lair battles are quick. I don't want to run into an issue now where I waiting forever for a 2v2 lair battle to pop because no one wants to run it.

    (and yes I get that it may help 4v4 and 8v8 in terms of getting into matches faster)
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  17. Magnificent Loyal Player

    That's life in coding. The larger the group using something, the easier it is to see what unintended come of it. This is why no matter how many folks go to Test and try things out, some issues aren't realized until it goes to Live.

    Fair enough.

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  18. Sivulla Dedicated Player

    Could the legends version of the safehouse rescue made count for the "putting the safe back to the safehouse" 100 wins feat?
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  19. Twisted Titan Committed Player

    The game in general was in that state not just PvP. That's a common cycle with this game that we've all become use to.
  20. BumblingB I got better.

    Which brings us back to the fact the only reason why people are playing these is for the rewards from them. Remove the rewards, no one will play them. They will go whatever is the fastests get to the finish line and walk home. If the issue is time, okay, well it makes it easier to get it, but it also brings up players that want to run the content because there are feats attached to it. The reason why everyone is running safehouse is because of the fact the feats were not accessible for over 1.5 years!

    This whole bandaid is hurting honest players. As simple as that. I have to be in the mood to PvP, I'm primarily PvE, so according to Mepps, my voice is not listened to. That's great communication. Love it. We have been here before. GU17, DLC4, DLC5, DLC7, DLC10, now GU41. YAY!
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