Up-Votes Needed Amazon Strategos Style Bug

Discussion in 'Arkham Asylum (Bug Reports)' started by Prindacerk, Nov 22, 2023.

  1. Prindacerk Committed Player

    I'm facing the style completion issue with this. The non-member monthly reward for November gives Amazon Strategos style. However, the Chest and Legs parts are not matching the ones required for the set. When I look at the style tab, I'm seeing same name repeated twice. One is for the style set I'm assuming (have completed it from Nubia in another toon) and the other was from the monthly.


    Is this intentional? The rest of the pieces were good for the feat set. Only the Chest and Legs are problematic.
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  2. Prindacerk Committed Player

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  3. Ash Inferno Well-Known Player

    I already have the styles and feat and yet they said they were not collected (on the gear description, written in green).
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  4. Wade Spalding Loyal Player

    Pieces from the vending unit in 'Gotham under Siege' still work for the feat. My guess is that someone messed up global IDs and/or pointers in the database when turning the old gear pieces into item level scaling reward boxes.