Am i the only one who hates fighting sorc healers in pvp...

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by undevinez, Dec 15, 2014.

  1. undevinez New Player

    its like all they do is block and spam heals lol .. its quite annoying i dont use debuffs but there going to make me start.
  2. Unrevoke New Player

    Fire tanks
    • Like x 1
  3. Amanda Bailey Devoted Player

    Hating because a healer heals and survives....

    Makes sense, right?

    Don't hate the player, hate the game <3

    -A Sorc Healer
  4. undevinez New Player

    nt hateingh im saying its annoying
  5. Venus Void Dedicated Player

    Sorcery healers are definitely the best healing class in pvp, arguably over-powered. (at least by comparison to nature and celestial)
    The thing that puzzles me is, if you have a debuff (meaning you're a troll) why wouldn't you use it in the first place?
    A troll with a healing debuff shouldn't have too much trouble against sorcery healers unless they just get plain out-dueled.

    Fire on the other that's frustrating.
  6. Remander Steadfast Player

    They block, block break. They heal, debuff. That said, Sorc is still tough to beat. Fixing Watcher helped, though.
  7. ThePhilosophy Loyal Player

    They're easy now. They fixed the watcher so there shouldn't be any problems. This is where skill comes in though because you have to counter them, kill the watcher at times etc. I know it's easier said than done, though.