Alternative Visuals

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by Horrorshow, Apr 10, 2013.

  1. Horrorshow New Player

    I was thinking about some alternate visuals for powers, weapons and movement modes in game.

    1) Tie powers with movement modes. A great example would be someone who has an earth powerset and they get to ride a flying rock if they are flight. Another example would be a mental character who has flight as a movement mode. There would be a purple aura around their character because they are levitating themselves to fly.

    2) Remove the horrid effects you have going on for Earth. As a whole the powerset is not that bad. Some of the visuals for the powerset are lacking and just don't make sense for the powerset. I was turned off by the bad visuals.

    Reinforce - This needs to be visually changed. The effects that power has not makes it look extremely cheesy. I don't know where you guys got the idea to use fugly rock looking boxing gloves for this power. Replacing it with a simple rock skinned hand-style would suffice people.

    Summon Golem Powers - Please consider replacing the effects of this more than anything. The golems looks horrendous. I hate to throw shade at the people who created them but they look nothing like a golem. Golems are supposed to look like big and bulky rock creatures that attack attack enemies. Even if you change the name from golem to a floating boulder or something that would make more sense than what you have now.

    3) Besides adding more summoning pets the visuals for sorcery need to be updated.

    Circle of Protection needs to be updated to look a little more flashier.

    Bad Karma needs to look more menacing on enemies.

    Gold and red aura needs to be changed from the weird circle thing around our characters to something more flashy. Why don't you make it like gold or red steam coming off of our character or something? It just needs to be changed.

    Pet Summons - Besides the Watcher that needs to be a little bit bigger, the other summons need to have drastic visual changes.

    Soul Well - Needs to look a little different.

    4) Nature needs to have all of the effects changed. It needs to look more like vines than thorns.
  2. CrazyNick New Player

    I have nothing to say about the last three because I personally don't like those powers or know much about them. Anyway, I love the part about tying powers to movements I can fly on a cloud (electricity) or a meteor (fire) or maybe even run around and climb things leaving frozen footsteps/handprints on the ground/walls with my ice acrobat
  3. Horrorshow New Player

    They are being to general and not creative enough. They should offer both visuals as a choice. Every creative person likes to have a little variety for their characters to really bring them to life.