Allowing Opposing Factions into Lair

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Brice Allen, Feb 17, 2013.

  1. Brice Allen Loyal Player

    Just curious who else would like to be able to invite members of the opposing faction into your Lair to use your Ammenities, Duel uninterrupted, or just simply chill.
    I have quite a few friends from the opposing faction (my main and now only character I play is a Hero) that I've made over many months of PVP and leveling a Villain at one point.
    I was surprised to find that I couldn't give them privy to enter my Lair.
    I also have a Leaguemate that wants to set up a PVP Bar in Gotham for both Factions where they can go and just go and hang out when things are slow. Not sure how the opposing faction PVP is on the PS3 but on the PC a lot of us have mutual respect towards each other regardless of faction.
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  2. Yallander Loyal Player

    Yeah I really think this should be permitted as players have friends in both factions. Also the ability to add opposite faction leagues to your permissions list. I could care less about the story component implications as imo part of being an MMO is the ability to socialize. Also if someone wanted to come in and trash my stuff, idc I've got 1000 couches on backorder waiting in a warehouse ready to reply the one already there. You don't setup a superhero/villain bar without recognizing furniture is going to be a casuality!
  3. Ikyotojin Dedicated Player

    I agree completely. I've got friends who have both villains and heroes. There are times we want to get together, bash each others heads in, then go hang out and discuss what the best way to do it is. Can't do that without someone either getting in the middle in PvP or even hold a conversation without interruption. Putting it in a lair would enable that to happen.

    But, of course, someone would "boost" for duel wins. Getting feats for fighting in a lair should be removed because of that.