AllKillerNoFiller is looking for USPS Villains

Discussion in 'League Recruitment Center' started by rival exe, Jul 26, 2014.

  1. JoshuaBagwell Committed Player

    Welcome granted me and a few friends cant get on to greet you yet cause of this whole psn problem seems to affect us ps4 users more
  2. rival exe New Player

    You're still on now? I'm playing on my hero but I'll get on after this arena match...
  3. WizardlyWayz New Player

    No in the league. Been booted since 4 am today and cannot login :( ps4
  4. rival exe New Player

    What's your username?
  5. WizardlyWayz New Player

    Apex Apollo... my bad, that was my old retired hero
  6. Fantasma Well-Known Player

    Bingo. Right on the Money, Haha.
  7. rival exe New Player

  8. JoshuaBagwell Committed Player

    Massive bump. Great league best I have seen and I have seen them all
  9. rival exe New Player

    Wow that's really impressive :p
  10. rival exe New Player

    We are really in need of some people to run T6 stuff with but if you have the dlc or subscription we can still help you get there if you're not CR 100. :)
  11. WizardlyWayz New Player

    Bump and need more night owls lol trying to pug dox @ 2am is like a one legged man in an *** kicking contest! Great league though :p
  12. RPGSoul New Player

    Hello. I have recently come back to DC for about a month, I was away from the game for 6 months. I had a toon to CR 78 within 3 weeks but a close friend of mine is no longer returning so therefore I wish to be a villain. I am relatively knowledgeable to the game and wanted a laid back league to level my toons with. I am Legendary, with a Keyboard. My PS Mic crapped again, so it will be awhile before I have a mic mostly because I am saving for a higher end headset.

    I will be on tomorrow after 2pm. Server time is 3 hours behind me.
  13. rival exe New Player

    What level is your toon at? We don't have level requirement as we can help you get up there but I just want to know in case I want to make a new toon and enjoy the leveling process with you. :p
    Also what's your toon name and what kind of headset of yours crapped out? Do you have the PS4 and PS4 mic? I was thinking of getting the official Playstation headset but if the PS4 one works better I might just get that instead.
  14. rival exe New Player

    bump bump. anyone wannna join?
  15. rival exe New Player

    We got a hall now I totally forgot! :D
  16. rival exe New Player

    and we got all the statues now! I think...maybe I missed one.
  17. rival exe New Player

  18. Dr Improbable Dedicated Player

    My villain needs a home.

    Dr Improbable
    CR103 HL Troll
    I'm in all TD greens, so I need to run T6 content more. I have a mic and am legendary.
  19. rival exe New Player

    When do you think you will be on?
  20. JoshuaBagwell Committed Player

    If your a T6 and need a home please join us. We could use a few trolls and dps and maybe another tank or 2.