All i want for Christmas is ...

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Zuse, Dec 25, 2013.

  1. Zuse Loyal Player

    MORE SPECTRE stuff

    yup i know a pointless thread but it had to be said
  2. DaKrushmor Loyal Player

    More[IMG]stuff, please!!!
    Just cartoons w Mxyzptlk/Bat-Mite
    Were rly mah favorite!!!
    Oopsie, rime!:D
  3. Maxx_Watt Loyal Player

    PvP map rotations to be removed

    Metal Men content
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  4. Red Skorpion Dedicated Player

    the same thing as every year pinky to take over the world MWHAHAHAHA
  5. Infinity New Player

    Fix Gauss Grenade and Entrap!
  6. The Lone Stranger Devoted Player

    All I want for Christmas is a game that actually works and can be played.
  7. Couzintony New Player

    I want a section on the forums where you can QQ all u want n not take up 70% of this forum... Lolz

    Ah but I can see the QQing now if u make a qq thread n then it gets moved to the QQ section....
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  8. The Lone Stranger Devoted Player

    The Batcave?
    Or maybe, Warriors - if any of you read Guy Gardner: Warrior...
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  9. fairyofdiscord Well-Known Player

    more Aqua man and bring in Wally West.