Ummm... is there a vendor where we can purchase these in the game? Or are they strictly from drops? I've finally gotten my DM II augments to 15 and am ready for a breakthrough. Though I've found that since Day 1 of this DLC (and I've been grinding daily), I've only received one Alfred-nano Particle. That seems kind of low....
What have you been grinding in particular? I've been playing since day one, almost no replays, and I've gotten both augments to 23. That's not me trying to humble brag or anything, I just mean that if you've been grinding daily it seems to have taken a long time to get your augments to 15 which suggests to me that maybe you're mostly just doing the open world dailies and perhaps not the duo and alert every day. I could of course be wrong, this is all just me assuming. The Nano-Alfred Particles won't drop from open world stuff, they only drop from instanced content once you're CR276 or higher.
Alfred-Nano Particles also drop from the raids, so if you're not running both every week you're short changing yourself.
They also only drop from Normal/Elite, not Event. So if you've been grinding Event mode, you won't get that many. I've gotten enough to get the augments to 23, and then on my one of my alternates... and that's even after selling them for a bazillion each during Week 1. Right now, they're also on the broker for pretty cheap.
Besides all the stuff the others said (run reg not event, run raids weekly, run your daily alert/duo), last I looked they are pretty cheap in the broker at a few 100K each. I personally have bought most of my cats as I haven't had enough time to do the instances...on each toon. They are much cheaper than the Blackouts you need more of to level up...around the same price as 1-2 exo materials. Time to go old school...go farm 30 or 40 exos, sell 1 or 2 in a stack at 50% of lowest price for quick sale, buy the Alfred particles. Heck, you'll probably walk away a few bucks up in the process. Reinheld
Ah... normal version alerts and raids. Thanks for the replies. I'm on the NS (US) server... to be honest, it's not easy to get in normal versions of the alerts or raids for Metal II. (As I'm sure you've heard, our population is fairly low) The duo is easy, but the four to eight man instances... very tough. I get in a que the moment I get on and even after two to three hours of game-play, nothing pops. Guess I'll have to give in and join a league as they seem to be putting their own groups together. And I've tried our broker, but haven't seen any on there yet. Anyway, thanks again for replying.
Not sure if it's any better on Switch, but try LFG vs Queuing. If the pop is that low, trying the raids on Thurs or Friday might yield better results as (at least on PC/PS) that's when most people run them. You just reminded me too...I need to log in on Switch before the 31st to get my free upgrade. Thanks. Reinheld