age of justice alert mission

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by julianes05, Apr 19, 2024.

  1. julianes05 Active Player

    so i played the alert mission where you get to team up with wonder woman diana and wonder woman hippolyta its seems to imply that hippolyta is the WW of the JSA in the age of justice storyline. does this mean hippolyta is the wonderwoman in the JSA log in loading screen or is it JSA Diana?
  2. JasonIsley Devoted Player

    Hippolyta is the Wonder Woman in JSA storyline because Diana was never born in that timeline.
  3. julianes05 Active Player

    so the wonder woman in the current log-in loading screen is hippolyta?
  4. JasonIsley Devoted Player

    from left to right, alan scott, queen hippolyta, jay garrick
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  5. Miranda31 Well-Known Player

    When was this established in comics canon, and by whom? I'm old school comics, pre-1990's imprinted and I get very confused by the changes over the years. Alan Scott and Jay Garrick I do recognise.
  6. Bowieite Active Player

    I believe after Zero Hour when Hal, as Parallax, rewrote the Universe. That is also when Superman( Kal-El) quit being a clone.
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  7. JasonIsley Devoted Player

  8. Miranda31 Well-Known Player

    Thanks, that was remarkably well explained. Something else to blame on Crisis (along with me stopping buying most comics because there were too many "must read" stories in different books). And the retro-fix was in 1995 when I was definitely out of the scene.

    Yes, I know that dates me :D
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