Aero's 5 Minute Guide to being a Better Troll

Discussion in 'Oracle’s Database (Guides)' started by The Aerovenger, Jan 23, 2014.

  1. The Aerovenger Dedicated Player

    I created this guide around June 2013 for some of the new Trolls in my League at the time. I found it on our old site, thought I would give it a revamp and post it on here.
    This game has no real official guide or help regarding roles, o many trolls have no idea what their job is all about. That was me. I entered an Arkham walk-in as a T2 Troll - I had the gear but no idea how to use it. I came away with a knowledge of POT and Recharge - my two basic functions as a Troll.
    This guide is designed to give new Trolls a quick insight into what trolling is all about - It is brief but hopefully it covers all the basics. :)

    A controller (or a Troller, or a Troll) has two functions - to provide power for the team and to crowd control using defensive, damage and healing debuffs. and by stunning the enemy to hinder their attack.
    Most teams will consist of a DPS (damage), Healer, a Tank (high health & defence stats to take damage from the enemey), and a Controller.

    Note some quick pointers:
    1) your main stat is vitalization - concerns power regeneration
    2) secondary stat is dominance - concerns crowd control and shielding powers etc.
    3) a higher vitalization will increase power over time output and recharge/power dump output
    4) your loadout should look like this generally - this is an example of mine as a Quantum Troll. Some power trees give a small vit stat if specialized in. There will be POT, debuffs etc for both trees. Shields, Recharge & Troll SC are only found on one tree.
    i) power over time
    ii) a debuff - mainly a defensive debuff I use here.
    iii) shield (trolls also revive fallen teammates; a shield prevents damage to you & an interruption while reviving)
    iv) a secondary debuff - healing/damage/ aggro wipe (quantum tunneling)/ or a pull - I switch this to suit content.
    v) recharge - (power dump or instant power) - gives power to the 3 players with the lowest power bar.
    vi) power supercharge (word of power iconic or power specific)
    and two spaces for damage and healing debuffs or shield or your choice. The troll loadout should not even hint at a dps power - leave that to the big boys. Your job is not to give damage. You will help, but that is not your function in a group.

    5) in a raid with two trolls - POT (power over time) will overwrite - the highest vit troll is POT (higher tick), recharge, & debuff when possible and the secondary is debuff and recharge. Always sort this issue before the raid starts. Do not deliberately overwrite another troll's POT - a tick of 226 overwritten by a tick of 146 loses each team member around 400 power over 25 seconds. This has happened! Some trolls do think POT doesn't overwrite - THEY ARE WRONG!

    6) The secondary troll must always have POT in their loadout for an emergency- primary troll ko or dc

    7) when modding - base your mods around vit - vit/dominance, vit/might, vitalization, vit/precision etc... Each gear socket has a bonus affinity based on mod colours/types.
    8) do not be a vit max troll - this means putting a pure yellow vit mod in a red or blue socket for max vit. You lose the socket affinity and that affects your critical power chances etc. It has been proven that vit-max trolls give out less power - forums threads on this over the years.
    9) always always have your criticals nodded even with an alpha or beta at the start - this one exobyte is cheap to recover & boosts your power out.
    10) get skill points - vit and critical power - priority! And the extra vit iconic power

    11) select troll related base tactical mods - do NOT get the reserve tank for power - at the time of writing this is bugged and has been proven (forum threads & tests by players, including me) to hinder team power.
    12) get good health & power boosting soders and supply drops as emergency power supplies
    13) Vitamin Soder boosts a troll's basic vit stat for 30mins or until KO.

    14)use a weapon you will hit the target with - try a bow. Nice ranged weapon and quick to build up your rallies/hits and the higher you go the more power u receive back - edit - I use dual pistols now, but i also used a CR88 Staff for raids prior to DLC 9.
    15) The team always needs power for the next power cast. Think ahead. Don't waste power. Keep supercharge for critical moments like power failure at bosses - not for 2 or 3 random adds.
    16) aim to keep the team above 75% power - gives you room if something goes wrong and you ko, you revive teammates, you pull switch etc. Some dps [IMG] are power greedy [IMG] and you can't keep them full but do your best. They know no troll can keep them full! :p Not even me, at 2239 vit!

    17) listen to advice, but don't take abuse
    18) don't waste power on debuffs if unnecessary
    19) your pot resets after 25 secs. After 20, recast - don't spam it. (referred to as a double tick)
    20) Spam recharge in raids if you have other trolls - spam when necessary in other content
    21) Do not troll in dps gear (you can manage it in T5 dps gear for lower content - it has vit stats, but lower gear doesn't) - you will have minimum vit and difficulties performing your role. You may need to use some dps gear, but wherever possible try to avoid it.

    I probably have missed lot of things, but this is only a basic guide to help new trolls understand something of their role.
    Any questions? Get in touch! :)
    Happy trolling!

    Next - the dps guide to loving your friendly neighbourhood troll!!!! :) :rolleyes:
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  2. Revoemag Committed Player

    Question I've had for a long time...

    Is power dump a fixed amount based of your vit or does it is change dependent on your weapon count combo, meaning does a tier 2or 3 weapon combo give more power per dump than if I had a zero hit combo?

  3. The Aerovenger Dedicated Player

    Your Vit affects your power out via 'power over time and 'power dump'. The more vit you have then the more power you will give out.
    Your weapon combos only give power to yourself - the higher the combo tier, the more power you get back.
  4. Blue Spectrex New Player

    So Reserve Tank mod is a big no no? I've been using it on my troll and healer since forever.
  5. Avian Dedicated Player

    There is apparently some bug that makes it hard for trolls to keep the power of a player with that mod equipped. I don't know the exact details to this issue, but generally try to use something else instead. Extended supercharge is a very good alternative.
  6. The Aerovenger Dedicated Player

    875 extra power looks very appealing but there are problems with it - it's been a bug forever - certainly on USPC.
    I read on the forums recently that a league had tested that mod with several roles using it in a variety of rotations (just trolls, then a healer & dps etc) during Nexus runs and the result was a pretty big no to using it.
    However, it may be ok for solo/duo content.
  7. Mistress of Magic Well-Known Player

    This thread is Zatty certified! :D

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  8. TK PUSHA Dedicated Player

    dont listen to the masses on this subject.
    most people out there do not understand the issue.
    a. it is not broken. working as intended.
    b. i would not use it for any class other than controlling.

    I was actually in a league for about 2 weeks recently where the leader would announce before every raid that everyone with a reserve tank mod would not be allowed in the raid, lol, but i can give you a bunch of reasons that the mod is still superior to the other mods for trolling.

    TBH, im not going to get into it here b/c its been rehashed multiple times on the forums and it usually leads to misinformed people ignoring the facts.
  9. Kroye Loyal Player

    I'm one of the ignorants that prefers to use the mod giving me more crutch, but I respect the rights of other players to make better decisions.